Chapter 15

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Being pregnant while chasing after a toddler was tough. Steven had Johnny's personality and her stubbornness. Lily, who had come to visit, commented on how much he resembled their father. She was excited to become a big sister yet again. Since they decided not to find out the baby was last time, they both agreed they wanted to know so when it came time, both she and Johnny were excited. "It's a girl!" Lily was happy after finding out she was going to have a little sister.

Being put on desk duty was difficult but she understood that it was for her safety. The squad asked her if they had any names picked out. "Kiera Elise". Everyone smiled. "That's beautiful", Fin told her. Amanda offered to give her the clothes that her daughter had grown out of and it made her smile. "Hows Steven taking the news?"
"He doesn't really understand what's going on. He just points to my belly and says 'baby'. Lily's excited to be getting a little sister. She has two brothers so she needs another girl in the house".

Johnny did all he could for his pregnant wife even though he was miles away. He felt guilty knowing that he wasn't there to go to doctors appointments with her or help out at home. "Love, I know you feel guilty but don't be. You're doing what you love to do".
He smiled. "I know. I just need you to remind me sometimes".
"I love you. What did the guys say when you told them?"
"They're happy. They want to get something for us and something for Steven".
"Aw, that's cute! Tell them thanks for me".

"I swear, if he could run around shirtless, he would. When he's at home, it's like fuck it. If he wanted to run around buck naked, I wouldn't have a problem with it". Jayde was outside the precinct with Rafael. They were walking back from his office and the topic turned to her son.
"Thankfully he can still do that. How old is he?"
"Two. He's got Johnny's personality and my stubbornness. Everything is 'no mommy I no want that'".
This made Rafael laugh. "Toddlers, got to love them".
They walked into the precinct and she went to her desk. She fell into the chair.
"You ok", Sonny asked.
"I'm fine, thanks".

Something nobody told you about pregnancy while chasing a toddler: it's exhausting. There are times where if he's playing quietly and I'm watching him, it doesn't matter what he does. As long as he doesn't hurt himself or burn the apartment down, I'm like fuck it. Especially when I can't get off the damn couch to chase after him. Everyone says that silence is golden – until you have a toddler, then it becomes suspicious. Also, sometimes when your toddler tells you no, he means no and begging, pleading, negotiating, reasoning, etc just doesn't work. #forreal

Rafael read her latest blog entry and laughed. He was at his office finishing up on paperwork for the day and had decided to check on Jayde's blog. After a long day of court, paperwork and meetings, he needed her sense of humor to cheer him up. He saw messages he assumed where from other mothers giving her advice or sharing their stories.

Apparently dancing around lip-synching to the Spice Girls isn't cool. Good lord. Who gave a two year old this kind of power? I'll do what I want, don't judge me. Steven's seriously looking at me like 'Mommy, no. Just please, stop'. Do I have a toddler or a teenager?

Rafael laughed as he texted Jayde. Just wanted to say, you're blog entries are what I need after a long day. I've been sitting here laughing for the past 10 minutes. Keep them up. – Rafael

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