Chapter 17

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Jayde was at home on her couch doing an Ask Me Anything with her followers. This is either going to be a good idea or a bad one, she thought.

If you could be any female singer, who would you be? Good lord. Probably Adele. That girl can sing!

What's the best thing about your husband? Everything. He has one of the biggest hearts. He's hilarious, he doesn't take any shit and he doesn't have an ego. Plus he's handsome as hell.

What's a typical day for you? I wake up and get the kids ready then I drop them off at the sitter's. I either go to work or class. Sometimes after class, I have work then I come home and be mommy.

What are you studying in school? I am studying psychology and forensic science. My dream is to be a forensic psychologist and work with children.

How did you choose the names for your children? My husband chose our son's name for our closest friends: Steven Tyler, Joe (Anthony Pereira) Perry and Alice (Vincent Furnier) Cooper. I got to chose our daughter's name. I chose Kiera because I thought it was beautiful and I love watching Kiera Knightly. Elise was a suggestion from a friend and coworker.

How do you handle tough cases? I go home and I talk to Johnny about it. It's also helpful to know that I'm not the only person who's upset about the case.

Best part of your job? Good lord. The people I work with and knowing that we're doing everything we can to get justice for the victim, even when we don't.

Cats or dogs? Both! I'm more of a dog person though since I'm allergic to cats.

What's your favorite musical (from Rafael)? Rent! I swear I've seen it more times than I can remember. Anthony Rapp is adorable, you don't even know. The whole story and music and characters!

Favorite quote from Rent (from Rafael again): I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life.

What's your favorite band and members? The Backstreet Boys! For real. My favorite member is AJ! He's a cinnamon roll! It's fact! And Hollywood Vampires! I don't have a favorite member but if I had to pick, I'd choose Joe Perry.

Favorite person to get drunk with from work (from Amanda)? Sonshine! I can get philosophical when I'm drunk and he thinks it's funny as hell. Plus he's just a cool person to hang out with.

What's the best mommy advice you have received? Vanessa told me one time that if you think you're failing, look at your kids. If they're happy, then you know you're doing the best you can.

Favorite quote from music? When I look into your Spanish eyes / I know the reason why I am alive and the world is so beautiful tonight. – Backstreet Boys and You find the truth in a child's eyes when the only limit is the sky / Living proof, I see myself in you - Backstreet Boys.

Weirdest fact that nobody knows about you? I had a crush on Justin Bartha for the longest time. I swear it was the sarcasm. I also had a crush on Will Turner. Then he got married to Elizabeth Swann and he broke my heart. I'm over it now.

Alright everyone. Thank you for your questions. It was a lot of fun answering them and I hope to do this again! I have to get some sleep before Kiera wakes up for another feeding. Buenos noches!

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