Chapter 7 - Danger averted possibly?

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  • Dedicated to Lyn Riley-Brooks

Here's the 2nd chapter of the day!

Hope it's longer than the first!

Enjoy :) x


Chapter 7 - Danger averted possibly

The morning came too soon and we were woken suddenly by banging on the door. We all sat up sleepily,

"Room service" Was hollered by a guy, we all looked at each other,

"We didn't order any" Keane called back,

"...Erm, it's complementary" was the delayed reply (Yeah, sure it was! 1. They don't do room service, 2. Do they think we're stupid and 3. His delayed response told me everything I needed to know )

"Get your stuff" Keane mouthed and then pointed to the window, "Bear with me, I'm naked, be with you in a few" Keane said, we all dashed up as quietly as we could, I was scared, Tayte squeezed my hand,

"It'll be okay" He whispered, as we picked up bags after shoving the odd clothes that were flung on the floor into them and quickly throwing on some clothes,

"What are you doing in there?"

"Hang on, I'm nearly dressed" Keane shouted again, "Go" he mouthed handing Tayte the car keys, we opened the window. Thank Lord we were on the ground floor, Tayte climbed out first then helped me out, followed by Noah, We looked back at Keane,


"Not without you" Noah and I said,

"NOW," He said quietly but his voice was stern,

"Come on" Tayte said, grabbing mine and Noah's hand and pulling us away, we crept around the side of the building, Tayte peeked round the corner, it was clear so we made our way quickly to the car shoving our stuff in the boot and then getting in. I climbed in the back with Noah as Tayte got in and started the car,

"What about Keane?" I said,

"He knows what he's doing and we have to get out of here"

"We can't leave him"

"We're not leaving him", Noah hugged me, "I wouldn't ever leave him Arii" he told me driving off.

Keane's POV

I'd slipped on a t-shirt and finally opened the door,

"Sorry, I'd literally just woken up, you caught me unaware," he stepped into the room, with no food or anything in his hand, just like I'd guessed.

"Where's everyone else?" (Like someone who works at this place, bringing room service would ask that! Or even know there was anyone else!)

"They got up early and went into the services to get us breakfast"

"Are you sure they went next door?"

"Yep, they literally went 20 minutes ago, you'll probably catch them still if you go now" I told him,

"Hmmm, okay, sorry to interrupt you"

"Where's the food?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression (I'd caught him out), "Room service"

"Oh...right...yeah...on it's way", I smiled,

"Thanks" He turned and left. I shut the door, waited 5 minutes and then left. They'd already taken my bag which I was sharing with Noah; I dropped the keys on the desk,


"...I've got to go" I interrupted the annoying women from yesterday and left, I was glad to see our car had gone. Tayte had managed to persuade my brother and sister to leave then (Believe me it is hard work). I slipped past the services and headed over to the petrol station a little way away. There was our car, waiting with the engine running, I hoped they'd got at least some petrol, because if we were going to be on the road for a while, we were going to need it. I opened the passenger door at the front.

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