Chapter 17 - Shop don't stop

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  • Dedicated to Jen Taaffe

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday!

My apologies. I was tired and just wanted to sleep!



Chapter 17 – Shop don't stop

The next day came too soon. The bruising had all come out on Noah's face, so with Tayte's face too they looked like a right pair.

Our plan was to spend the day in Cirencester and do a bit of shopping. I knew Arii wanted some more clothes, when didn't she want clothes. We asked the receptionist (not the old bitch might I add) where the best place to park would be and she said the Tesco's car park where we parked yesterday to go to Pizza express. We left around 9am; yeah we all didn't really have a good night and just wanted to get out in the fresh, cold air. So that's where we are now, just leaving the car after sticking half a fortune in the machine for a ticket.

We literally started walking a few steps, with Arii and Tayte holding hands and Noah and I just walking side by side, when people began to look. The first few I thought, okay, small town, everyone must know everyone, who are these strangers, but then it got ridiculous, had they never seen a beaten up face before,

  "What are you looking at?" I snapped,

"Keane, just leave it" Noah said.

  "I can't, it's pissing me off"

"Temper, temper Keaney boy" Tayte said smiling,

  "Shut it you" I said,

"Yeah shut it you" Arii said, "Ooh, come on, I need some new clothes, Tay come help me" Noah and I laughed,

"We're going to go and shop our self, have fun Tayte" I said,

"Thanks guys"

  "Come on" Arii said, dragging him away,

"Ring us when you're done" Noah said,

"So see you at like half 5 or something then," I said,

"Fuck off" He laughed. We walked off. I wasn't really in the shopping mood; I wasn't that type of guy. I knew Noah was, but he always denied it! Thank

  "So, do you want anything?" I asked him,

"Like what?"

  "Anything, my treat, I'll buy you anything you want"

"Doesn't Tayte have the money?"

"I have some myself too you know, I'm not going let him have all the money you dingbat"

  "Alright" He said smiling, "So seriously, anything I want?"

"I think you deserve it from what you've been through"

   "Don't remind me" He said quietly,

"Sorry buddy,'s hard for me too you know"

  "I know..."

"So...what'd you want?"

  "Dad and Mum to come back" He said. I stopped, he carried on walking,

"Noah," he still didn't stop, "Noah Carson Linkoln." That made him stop, I knew it would. I caught up with him, "You know I can't give you that,"

  "I know, sorry...I they not know what they've done...what them leaving has led could they just up and leave" He said. I led him into a café called 'Lockhart's' and made him sit down, I ordered us some drinks and then joined him.

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