Chapter 23 - Unknown

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  • Dedicated to Nicola Lipscombe

Nic - You know who you are!

Love you and miss you!

This ones for you :) xx

Only short :)


Chapter 23 - Unknown

It was a week and a bit later and hopefully I would be discharged today. I was feeling okay, yes I wasn't ready to jump up and down and run around, but I was okay, I mean, at least I could move without being in pain now (Well, sort of). Plus I could manage not being stuck in a hospital bed for much longer, because I was going stir crazy!

Noah had the all clear yesterday, no brain damage, just a cracked skull, which he thought was pretty cool, the weirdo. So hopefully, we could get back on the road very soon. Not that I was allowed to drive or knew where we were going anymore either.

It was around 11am. We were all in the private room, Arii sat on Tayte's lap, his arms wrapped protectively around her, Noah on his stomach on the bed with me, flicking through a magazine.

The past week had been actually quite relaxed, even though we were in hospital.


Well, because there had been nothing to worry about:

No Cylan.

No men.

No nothing.

Apart from getting better of course. We were all together, despite the nurse's and doctor's trying to get whoever wasn't admitted out of the room after visiting hours. They gave up in the end and we all slept here every day. They all love us now.

A nurse called Martha then came in smiling, she said,

"You have a visitor in reception" we all looked at each other,

"Who is it?" I asked,

"A Mr. Abraham"

"We don't know any Mr. Abraham's"

"He said he is a friend of your parents and needs to speak with you urgently, shall I send him up Keane?"

"No" Noah said,

"Yes, please" I said glaring at him,

"So is that a yes or a no?" Martha asked,

"Yes thank you Martha"

"No" Noah said again,

"Noah, really, just shut up" she looked from me to Noah and then back to me again,

"I'll tell him to come on up" She said and left,

"Keane, what the hell! Mr. Abraham could be Cylan, what are you playing at?" Noah snapped,

"We don't know that...and I don't think he would use that name...anyway...he might genuinely know our parents" I told him calmly

"Or he might be Cylan" Arii said panicked, great Arii's now worried!

"Well we'll find out, won't we"

"Tayte do you have anything to say?" Arii demanded

"No," he wasn't getting involved, which was a pretty good decision.

We heard footsteps and I knew everyone was holding their breath.

A tall man about 6ft3 walked in, he was in suit, clean cut and looked very professional looking,

"Keane" He said nodding at me,

"Mr. Abraham" I replied, he smiled, he had bright white teeth,

"Call me Taylor"

"What are you doing here? You said you know our Mum and Dad" Noah said, he turned to look at Noah and then back to me,

"I must be quick, I do know your Mum and Dad, we are good friends and they are so sorry that..." He was interrupted as his phone rang, "Excuse me, I have to take this" He left answering the phone.

"What'd you think he's going to tell us?" Arii asked,

"I don't know, hopefully that Mum and Dad are alive and sorry that they left us" Noah said.


The thing was, we never found out what he was going to say, because he never came back. After 15 minutes Tayte went and checked outside,

"He's gone, there's no one out there, it's like he up and disappeared into thin air"

"What the hell is going on?" Noah said,

"He can't just disappear; he didn't even say he was leaving"

It was really suspicious and strange. He obviously knew our parents and was going to tell us something, but that telephone call interrupted him. Must had been very important is all I could say. I was now thinking that Mum and Dad had left for a reason. A very secret and important reason.

Everyone was left pondering at that and silence hit the room for a while.


I was just about to get Tayte or someone to get the doctor so I could ask when it was today I could actually leave. I was getting bored of just lying here and wanted to go and see if we could find this Taylor guy anywhere (Which I doubt, but what the hell). However someone's phone went off and distracted me. I looked over at Tayte as it was coming from that direction,

"Is it mine?" I asked, he turned and looked,

"Yeah, unknown number"

"Just leave it" I told him, Arii frowned, "What are you frowning at?"

"Nothing, just...nothing". It eventually went silent. But this wasn't for long as it rang again and again and again. Jeez.

"Just answer it" Noah said yawning. Tayte threw it over to me. 5 missed calls from an unknown number,

"It might be the men" Arii said,

"They can't track us" Noah said shutting his eyes and resting his head on his arms,

"Oh really" Arii shot back,

"Guys...enough" I said, as it rang again. I pressed answer and put it to my ear,



Next update: Probably Monday...Busy all weekend with Netball!!

Sorry for any mistakes :)

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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