Chapter 11 - Seeing Red

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  • Dedicated to Martha Dobbie

There is nothing more to say except...


G x


Chapter 11 - Seeing Red


"I'm so bored" Arii complained,

"Same" Noah and Tayte piped up. There was then a knock on the door, we all looked at each other. I began to get up when Arii said,

"Don't answer it, it could be anyone and that meaning someone bad," that thought did cross my mind, but for some reason I didn't think it was the men. I could be wrong of course,

"Keane, Arii's right" Tayte said, which was serious for him, I looked at him "What I'm just saying" I looked at Noah who was silent in all this and got up heading over to the door. I opened it, revealing a guy who looked about late 20s in a police uniform, I wasn't a hundred per cent sure if he was genuine or not,

"What can I help you with?" I asked,

"Is your brother here?"

"My..." Noah interrupted me,

"Oscar, what...what are you doing here?" He said coming up behind me,

"I came to see how you were"

"Hold up...for one second...who the hell are you?" I said, Noah touched my arm, obviously detecting the anger in my voice,

"It's okay Keane, I promise" He told me, welcoming Oscar in. Tayte and Arii who were sat together on the sofa both looked up, I joined them as Noah and Oscar sat on the bed,

"How do you know Noah?"

"Keane, he's not here for you to interrogate him", Noah said, Oscar smiled

"It's fine...I was the third police officer yesterday, the one who broke up the fight and went back to the police car with the arrested felon"

"You left my brother in the state he was in"

"My other colleagues were with him"

"Why are you here?" I said getting pissed,

"I'm here just to check that Noah is okay"

"Keane enough, please" Noah said,

"Oscar, let me ask you this, why were those people beating up my brother?" silence hit the room, Oscar looked at Noah, Tayte and Arii looked at me,

"I don't know...I..."

"He's lying" Tayte said,

"I know" Noah was sat there looking like he wanted the bed he was on to swallow him up,

"Who are you protecting, yourself or Noah? How old are you?"

"32," I snapped then,

"Do you fucking know how old my little brother is?" I shouted,

"Keane" Arii said, taking my hand, I calmed down a little, but this was not over,

"Just answer the fucking question...why did those people beat my brother up?" Oscar looked at me straight in the eye,

"Because they saw us kissing" He said. I was going to hit him if I stayed in the room any longer. I stormed to the door,

"Keane" Noah said "Keane wait"

"Keane, don't go" I heard Arii say. I replied with the SLAM of the door. I tore down the corridor and stairs and walked out. I was fucking angry, not at the fact that Noah kissed him, but at the fact he kissed Noah, the bloody police officer who is 13 older than him. He must've left and then they approached after Noah caught them looking.


I ran my hands through my hair and headed into the services. I don't normally do this, actually, I never do this, but I was royally pissed, I went into Smiths and brought a bottle of Vodka, cracked it open once I was out of the shop and started to swig it. I then went and sat in the open seating area with my bottle. Life was truly fucked at this moment in time.


Noah's POV

There was the awkward silence for a few seconds after Keane had walked out. I was such a prat, I should have told him; I never keep anything from him. This was really going fuck him up, I'm actually really worried that he's going to do something he'll regret. Oscar stood up,

"I'm sorry" He said,

"It's not your fault" I told him (Though I knew I was lying) he held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me up,

"Do you want me to go and look for him?" in all honesty I did, but if he found him, Keane would go bezerk at him.

"No, I'm sure he'll come back once he's calmed down" Well, that's what I'm hoping anyway,

"I'll see you soon" He said, kissing me softly,

"I doubt it" I said once I'd pulled away,

"You're on my radar", he waved at Tayte and Arii and left. Once he'd shut the door Tayte said,

"Noah you are honestly a twat and I'm only saying that because I love you, 1. You don't tell us the truth, okay I get not telling me, but Arii and fucking Keane...poor move. 2. He's 13 years older than you and 3. What the hell?" Tayte snapped,

"No need to be so harsh on him" Arii said softly,

"No Arii he's right, I should have told you the real reason why I was beaten up and that I met him, I know he's 13 years older than me and a police officer, it's just...shit I really messed this up"

"You did mess this up, but Oscar helped with that too"

"I'm worried about Keane" Arii said, hugging Tayte,

"Me too" I replied,

"Well there's not much we can do about it is there" Tayte spat "Keane could have gone anywhere and in his state..."

"Tayte I'm sorry" I said.

"Not me you should be telling that too" He said,

"Tayte please lay off Noah" Arii told him, kissing him,

"What if he does something stupid?" I said,

"It'll be on your conscious"

"Tayte!" Arii exclaimed,

"I know he's your brother Noah, but I love him like a brother too, he's my best friend and I for one wouldn't have lied to him"

"I know, I know" I said beginning to cry, Arii glared at Tayte and came and hugged me,

"Okay, I'm pissed at you for not telling me anything for a start, but we've got to stick together, we're all each other's got Noah, no more okay, no more secrets, we're one and that includes Tayte...I love you Noah"

"I love you too, so much and I'm sorry, Tayte I'm sorry and I love you" she kissed my cheek, Tayte led back,

"I love you too Noah, you know that"

In the end, the television was switched on and we all sat on the bed, hoping I know, that Keane would knock on that door any time soon.


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G x

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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