Chapter 31 - Uphill Struggle

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  • Dedicated to Kim Smith

Had a spare 5 minutes so I thought I'd upload!


Chapter 31 - Uphill struggle

It was 10.30pm when I woke up. I slung my legs out of bed, completely forgetting about my busted up one. (Don't ask me how I forgot)

"FUUUUUCK" I shouted, collapsing to the floor dramatically in a considerable amount of pain. I heard footsteps run to my door,


It was Tayte. When did he get here?

"On the floor" I groaned, he came round,

"What the hell happened?"

"I forgot my leg was fucked up and slung my legs out of bed, jeez the pain is unbearable"

"Let's get you back on the bed" Tayte said,

"No, it hurts too much, just...just give me a minute"

"Keane, I need to move you" he said, eventually helping me up,

   "Shit" I muttered as I sat back on the bed.

"Looks like you won't be doing much until we leave for America for Christmas" Tayte said, my eyes lit up,

"You are coming then"

"Yes, Mum was like, whatever, your old enough to do what you want, plus I couldn't exactly let my best mate go without me now could I" I smiled,

"Your best mate and girlfriend"

"Of course, she was happy when I told her"

   "You mean, you've seen her already?"

"Yes, I took her to school, but just then I literally came through the door and heard you call out so I came up"

Oh yes, she was going to school for the week, I completely forgot.

"Aww thanks bro" He laughed,

"No worries, I'll tell your Mum to bring you some food and something for the pain"

"Thanks, but I'm going to try and come down"

"No, you're going to stay here"

   "Want to fight?"

"I don't fight those I know I can beat, be up in a minute"

"Ooh, burn" I said, he left laughing. I flicked my telly on and watched whatever random crap was on TV at that time in the morning. This wasn't much. Tayte came back up 10 minutes later,

"Your Mum said she will bring you up some breakfast and painkillers in about 20 minutes"

"Cool, thanks"

"No worries" He jumped on the bed next to me,

"So, did Arii go to school okay?"

"She put up a fight like mad not to go, but when she saw Lyric she forgot how much she didn't want to go to school and ran off happily with her"

"Good, it will be nice to put normal back in her life"

"Yes, I know what you mean"

"Where's Noah? He in the house or...?"

"He went out with your Dad"

"Should have guessed"

"He didn't want to; he's worried about you so he was going to stay, I told him to go and said I would look after you"

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