Chapter 28 - Conflicted Voices

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  • Dedicated to Sarah 'Taffy' Taaffe

Taffy if you ever read this! You're amazing and I love you! :) (Tom too! of course)


Chapter 28 - Conflicted voices

Keane's POV

Noah stayed that night at the hospital with me, for observational reasons, whilst Tayte and Arii went back to the travel inn. The doctor gave him something for the pain, but really he just needed to rest.

We all needed to rest.


It now being midday a few days later. I had high hopes of being discharged today, officially too. There was no way I was going to discharge myself this time!

"Where are we going?" Arii asked "I mean, we never met Mum and Dad, but Cylan's gone, so, why can't we go back home?"

"We are going home" I said,

"We are"

"Yes, we left to keep you safe and that didn't really work out, but like you said, Cylan is dead, we have nothing to worry about anymore,"

"Home sounds like heaven right now" Noah said,

"It sure does"


"Your parents are here to see you" a nurse said as she came in, we all looked at each other shocked,


"You're Mum and Dad want to see you, they said they've only just heard what happened to you and came here as soon as they could, shall I send them in?"

Only just heard, came as soon as they could.


"Yes, thank you," she smiled and left.

"You ready?" I asked,

   "For what?" Noah and Arii asked.

"For this to all kick off"

"I think I'm going to leave you to it when they come in"

"No, Tayte you are our brother too and have been through all the shit we have, so you are staying"

We heard footsteps and I held my breath.

Mum and Dad stood in the doorway. They hadn't changed that much since they left, they were only older with dark bags under their bright eyes,

"We are so sorry" Mum said immediately.

"Sorry, Sorry, you're sorry, for what! For fucking abandoning your children and being gone for 4 fucking years, for not contacting us once and for us wondering if you're alive or dead. We were devastated when you left, inconsolable for weeks, months even. I had to step up and look after my siblings because of you. We've been through so much and all you can say is sorry," I shouted, they walked in and closed the door. Noah and Arii were stood beside the bed in which I was sat on, my leg stretched out and strapped up in front of me. Tayte was stood on my other side,

"Keane, let us explain, please, " Dad said,

"Explain, what is there to explain?"

"Why'd you fucking leave Dad?" Noah said, I could tell by his voice that tears were coming,

"Noah we had to, it was for your own good"

"Bull, our own good, do you even know what's happened to us? What's happened to Arii!" I snapped,

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