Chapter 14 - No more fighting now

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  • Dedicated to Danielle Jordan-Taft

Chapter 14 – No more fighting now

"How much longer are you going to ignore me?" Noah said, I said nothing "Keane I'm sorry, I know I should have told you the truth I..."

   "You lied to me Noah...I can't deal with that, especially from you, we don't keep anything from each other, but you did and something as important as that"

"I was scared"

  "Of what, because if you say me, then that is it Noah"

"I was scared of how you would react; I didn't want you to go off the rails"

  "Oh and by not telling me that didn't happen did it"

"I didn't want you to be ashamed of me"

  "Why would I be ashamed of you? I don't care that you kissed him, I care that he's 32 but what I really care about, is the fact you kept that from me and that it was the reason you were beat up"

"I'm sorry"

  "It doesn't mean anything, no matter how many times you say it"

"Well then what do you want me say" I turned away, "Keane...I know you said it doesn't mean anything, but I'm so sorry for lying to you and I promise that it will never happen again...I'm sorry that you found out the way you did...I love you Keane" I knew I had to be the grown up, had to forgive him and hope he would trust me and not be scared of how I'd react. I know I lose my temper easily, but so does he.

  "I love you too" Was all I said. He didn't reply, but he knew that it was all okay. I mean, Tayte was right; I couldn't actually stay mad at him!

We arrived in a small Cotswold town called Cirencester at around 1pm and found a travel lodge in the same place as a petrol station with a Co-op and a little chef with a burger king. Tayte pulled into the car park and cut the engine.

Ariiayla's POV

  "Can we have burger king please?" I said getting out the car. I was glad to see that my brothers had made up. I took Tayte's hand, "Please Keane, I'm hungry", he laughed,

"Yes, then we'll check in at the travel lodge"

When we got inside, we found it not to be that big at all; there were three tables of four and 6 old style dinner chairs that you sit up top on. I went and sat down with Noah as Tayte and Keane ordered 4 double whoppers and cheese meals with 2 cokes, 1 sprite and 1 Fanta.

"I'm glad you made up, I think that it makes us realise we're all each other has and there is no time to mess it up" I said to Noah,

"Damn straight" He replied. They came over 10 minutes later. I thought this was meant to be fast food! I delved into the burger as soon as I opened it, man was I hungry. It didn't beat McDonalds but I don't think my taste buds even cared, I was THAT hungry.

  15 minutes later we'd all finished and were sucking on our drinks,

"Can we do something fun whilst we're here? It's a town, we're not stuck on the motorway with only cars around us," I said finishing my drink,

   "That is the plan Sis" Keane said,



"Yey" I squealed, they all smiled. "What I am a child you know"

"Don't we know it" Tayte teased,

  "Oi, shut it you, your one to talk" We left Burger King, grabbing our bags from the car and then heading over to the travel lodge. In reception an old woman was sat at the desk, we all strolled over,

"Can we book a room for 3 nights please?" Keane said,

"Let me see what's available" She said and began to slowly tap away on the computer, she looked about late 60s,

  "Yes there are rooms available, what would you like?"

"Family please" she looked at us all,

  "I'm afraid you can't have a family room"

"And why not?" Tayte snapped,

  "They are for 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children, so you will have to have 2 rooms. I can make them next door to each other,"

"Listen lady, I don't care what the rules says, we're happy to share and squeeze in"

  "You might be, but I cannot allow it"

"Fuck you" Tayte said. Eek. I slipped my arms around Tayte and peeked my head to the side; he looked at me calming down,

  "I'd like to speak to your manager" Keane said,

"And you will get the same response"

"Just go and get them" Noah said. She huffed and went out back. A few minutes later coming back with a much younger lady, maybe early forties, she smiled at us,

"What is the problem?" She asked,

   "What, like that witch hasn't told you" Tayte said, I pulled him away. Could not be dealing with a fight,

"Sorry" Keane said trying to say calm "We'd just like a family room for 3 nights, but we were told that we weren't allowed"

  "Gertie, go on your lunch break" The manager said, she muttered a few words under her breath, but left. "Here's the deal, a family room is for 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children for safety reasons more than anything,"

"It might be but we don't care, we all just want to be together" Keane said,

  "How old are you all?" She asked,

"I'm 22, and my two younger brothers are 22 and 19 and my little sister is 16," Tayte and I smiled, I knew Tayte loved it when they called him their brother.

   "I have no problem with it, but I won't be liable if an injury occurs"

"You don't have to be, because it won't" Noah said, she tapped on the computer,

  "That will be £185 please", Tayte came over and gave her the money, "Room number 217, first floor" She handed the key over which Keane took,

  "If you see Gertie around, just tell her you're in two rooms to keep the peace" She said and walked off. Keep the peace; I looked at my brothers and Tayte, hardly the right thing to say to these 3.

We found the room and it was pretty decent for a travel lodge anyway, with the usual double bed, desk and flat screen TV, bathroom, which surprisingly had a bath and shower. The only thing was there were two pull out single beds,

  "Shall we move the beds now?" Tayte asked throwing his bag down, I smiled,

"I don't think they move" I said,

"We'll make them." I'm pretty sure the 3 of them broke it, but they did move it and put it next to the other one to make a double, hopefully we wouldn't fall down the gap which could be easily made in the middle.

It was 2pm. If we did venture into town, it wouldn't be for long, so we stayed put. I led on one of the pull out beds sticking in my headphones and closing my eyes. I didn't realise how tired I was.


Next update: Friday :)

G x

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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