His Sister's Keeper

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Elizabeth POV:

We had been walking for an hour until the grounder leads me to a cave. I cautiously followed him trying to remember how to get back to camp from here in case we could escape.

I watch as he gently lays Octavia on the ground. He looks over at me and gestures for me to move next to Octavia. I see him reach behind him and pull forward chains. He goes to reach out to grab me.

My heart stops. I can feel my breathing quicken.

"No, no, please I'll do anything! I'll do anything you want just please don't tie me up. Please," I beg him, sobbing. He looked at me strangely. His face flickered between his and that of Caleb's. I shook my head trying to free myself of the vision.

"Please," I breathe.

It feels like an eternity before he nods his head. I breathe a sigh of relief and turn to look over Octavia. I note the head wound and the wound on her leg. I look back over to the grounder.

"Can you help her? She's hurt," I tell him.

The grounder glances at me and then back at Octavia. Again he silently nods and walks away. As I wait for him to come back to turn back to Octavia. "You're gonna be ok. I'm gonna get you back to camp and you're gonna be fine," I tell her softly, brushing her hair out of her face. As I'm doing this I hear her groan in pain.

"O? Can you hear me?" I ask her quickly.

"Liz? Is that you?" She replies slowly opening her eyes. She looks around at her surroundings in panic. "Where are we?"

"Yeah, it's me. A grounder took us, but we're fine. He hasn't hurt us yet and I don't think he will."

"A grounder? Where is he?" she asks quickly.

As I go to answer her, the grounder comes back with a heated dagger. I look between the dagger and him, figuring out what he wants to do. I look back at Octavia and find her scrambling away from the grounder and I. Her eyes were focused on the glowing dagger before her.

"Please! Please, don't hurt me! Liz, don't let him hurt me!" she cries.

"O! He's trying to help you! Calm down," I call out to her as I reach her side and hold her leg down. I look at the grounder as he kneels next to me.

"Liz! What are you doing!? Help me!" Octavia cries.

"Do it quickly," I whisper to the grounder. He nods and expertly presses the heated metal into Octavia's skin. She screams for a few seconds before passing out from the pain.

I let out a sigh of relief as she passed out. The grounder kept the blade pressed against her a skin for a few moments before removing it. "Thank you," I say to him softly.

His only reply was a jerky nod.

I sit against the wall as I watch him clean Octavia's wound. He was helping her and he hasn't hurt me. There is more to grounders than we first thought.

I felt my eyelids become heavy as I sat there. I try to resist, but I am eventually lulled to sleep.


I woke up the sounds of footsteps. I look around to find the cave empty. Octavia and the grounder were gone.

I scramble to my feet just as the grounder enters carrying Octavia. He sets her down gently and turns away from her.

"Why are you taking care of me? You found me at the bottom of that ravine. Fixed my knee," she starts. The grounder turns back around with the chain from earlier in his hands. "What the hell are you doing?"

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