{I} The First Merman.

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Make sure to listen and watch the video! It's perfect for the first chapter!


Raphael let Vanessa drag him towards the ocean and when his feet touched the water, scales formed on his arms. He watched her smiled proudly, putting her hands on his biceps, ''Two weeks, Raphael. Are you scared.''

When he opened his mouth to answer, but Vanessa's will power to not change when getting wet gave off and she fell to the water. He laughed as he moved down next to her and she brought her blue tail up behind her.

''I'm fine, stop asking me.'' he said and she blushed. He brought his arms out and wrapped them around her, pulling her back against his chest.

''I know you say it, but it's only been four days. Has it sunk in yet?" she asked.

''I think getting a shower and falling to the floor, almost hanging my head on the floor sunk it in.'' he said sarcastically. ''And puking the moment I came home. You're right, the feeling is horrible.''

She turned in his arms, ''Raphael. . .be honest with me. Don't sugar coat it, do you hate me for doing this?"

''You said you weren't trying.'' he said.

''I know, but I still did it. Your family. . .and what they do.'' she said. ''Isn't it hard?"

''It sucks, I've been going to bed with a stomach ache but I'm fine.'' he said. He smiled, ''I'm closer to the sea now, more then I could ever dream.''

She gave him a small smile, ''Yeah, looking it at that way. You love the sea.''

''And I love your eyes.'' he said, pulling a strain of her wet hair from her face. ''They remind me of the sea. To bad I can only see them because you snuck out.''

She frowned, ''Being grounded sucks. My dad forcing me into seeing a therapist. I feel like a prisoner in my own home.''

''You could tell him why you had left.'' he suggested.

''We can't tell anyone, Raphael.'' she reminded him for the hundredth time.

''I know, but I don't get to see you anymore.'' he said. ''You could . .ya know, make him forget. Sing a little hum and tell him to forget everything the last few days.''

''I'm not doing that to my dad.'' she said. ''If I want anything close to a normal life, I can't use my powers. I suggest the same with you.'' she said, splashing him with water. ''Wanna go swimming?"

He smiled and nodded, remember the day he found out. After they grabbed something to eat, Vanessa showed him how to swim under water like how she did. He couldn't believe how world under the sea was without any scuba diving gear. It felt so much more better, cleaner, personal. It was beautiful and amazing. He barley even went up for air.

Vanessa pulled up his white T-shirt and threw it aside, ''Have you been working out?" she asked, her face turning red as she stared at him stomach.

''No.'' he said, looking down at his stomach. He was always fit, but he was getting more tone each day and stronger. He also noticed how he was starting a six pack. Not very visible, but if you touch you can feel. Which Vanessa was, touching his stomach, and his back stiffen, holding his breath as he grabbed her hand to stop that, ''Must be a merman thing.''

She blushed hard, but pulled back into the sea. He got slid into the water, joining next to her. Her blonde hair floated around her like a halo and he couldn't believe how much more beautiful she looked.

She pointed straight and swam. He swam next to her and she smiled at him, taking his hand. He brought it towards his mouth and kissed the back of it

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