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Chapter One: Practice Run

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Chapter One: Practice Run

You slowly walked out of the airport and into the van that was waiting for you. You had the honour of competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics for your home country. You were thrilled. You watched as the scenery changed from the fast-pace city to a snow-filled wonderland. You made it to the little lodge you were going to say at.

The lodge had many houses situated behind a huge log-cabin like hotel. You realised that it was the 'village' that all of the athletes stay at.

You smiled as a dream that you had since you first touched the snow is starting to come true. You had travelled this far to represent your country in snowboarding. Snowboarding was a passion that you held close to your heart. Although, your chosen sport did depend a lot on the season, it wasn't like ice-skating where you could practice all year around. However you did travel around to snowboard in different places and runs in the world.

You looked over into the far distance and saw that there was a ski-lift. You couldn't wait to get some practice in so you could blow the competition away. You were a bit dishearten, as at the previous world championships, you did place second overall. Your competition was a person from Canada. You sighed and hoped for the best out come and that you would beat her.

You turned and started to help unload the van and small trailer that had brought all of the equipment like snowboards, skis and other things that the team needed.

You decided to try and check in as soon as you can so you could get out and have a few practice runs before going to a small meeting that everyone from your country were having. You checked into the lodge and got given your keys into your cabin. You walked through, you figured out that all of your team mates from your country were staying in the same area as you, however you did have to bunk with a member from the skating team that your country had sent. You sighed at that thought. You, personally, didn't like the people that were in the figure skating team. Although they were favourites to place in the competition, they were very arrogant about it. Their were people in other countries that were also favourites to win or place, Russia, Japan and the USA. As mean as it sounded you hoped that the highest that your team would place would be a bronze, they didn't need their egos to be any higher.

You started to unpack as you were going to be spending just under a month here. The person that you were suppose to share the room with hadn't showed up yet, so you called dibs on a bed. The bed was positioned so you got a view of the mountain in the distance, where you only presume that you would be snowboarding down. As you were almost finished unpacking the door opened and in walked a person. She was wearing the same track suit as you with (Y/C/C) on it.

"Hi! I'm Amelia and I'm in the figure skating team." She smiled at you.

"I'm (Y/N) and I'm in the snowboarding team." You smiled back at her.

"It's a pretty nice place." Amelia said as she looked around the pale yellow room.

"Yeah I thought so," you said looking over at her. "I hope you don't mind that I took this bed."

Olympic Gold ❄️ Yuri PlisetskyWhere stories live. Discover now