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Chapter Five: A Call From Home

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Chapter Five: A Call From Home

The bus ride back home was completely uninteresting. The only thing that she found interesting was how cute Yuuri had looked with Makkachin sleeping on his lap and Yuuri had rested his head on Viktor's shoulder and Viktor's head was on top of Yuuri's head. You took a photo and you smiled at it. It was to cute for you. It was truly a great experience yesterday at the temple. Before you left, you had exchanged numbers with Yuuri and Viktor. After much convincing from Viktor, Yuri finally gave you his number. You gave them you number in return. You laughed as you had put Yuri down a 'ice boy ❄️⛸😂' in your contacts. You know that he wouldn't like that at all so you just kept it to yourself, although you had thought about sharing it with Viktor and Yuuri.

You made it back to you room and smiled when you got into your room and saw Amelia sitting on her bed on her phone. She heard the door open and looked up at you. Once she realised that it was you she smirked.

"How was your day with the Russian Punk?" Amelia asked.

"What?" You asked as you didn't know who the 'Russian Punk' was.

"Yuri Plisetsky." She said simply.

"Oh him." You say as you look at her.

"I find him soooo dreamy!" Amelia said as she clasped back on her bed.

"The name is a perfect fit." You mumbled as you took you boots, coat and scarf off.

You sat down on your bed and had a look at the time, it was now 7:30 and you realised that you didn't have any dinner, and the only food that you had eaten in the time you were out was some snacks that both Yuuri and Viktor had brought for the ride over. You get up and put your coat and shoes on before going out again.

"Where are you going?" Amelia asks.

"To go and get something for dinner." You say as you walked out of the door.

You walked through the snow, in wasn't knee-deep or anything. But it did make your shoes sink in as there was an ankle-deep layer of fresh snow covering the ground, like a white fluffy blanket. You made it to the lobby and you walked in to where the buffet was and took some food before you sat at the same table where you had sat with Yuri earlier that day. As you didn't have any interruptions while you were eating this time, you were able to finish you dinner in no time at all. You took you plate up to the kitchen and thanked the chef for the meal and walked back to the cabin. As you were walking you heard your phone going off. You looked to see who was calling you. You were quiet happy when the contact name said Mamma Bear. You knew it was your family. You almost dropped your phone when you realised that you needed to call them after you got settled in at the athlete village. It had been just over a whole day since you had been here, you knew that your family would be worried.

"Hello?" You said as you answered the phone.

"My darling girl!" You heard someone shriek down the phone, you knew instantly that it was your mother. "How is South Korea? I saw your Instagram post, do you have a boyfriend?"

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