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Chapter Two: Phone Snatching Games

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Chapter Two: Phone Snatching Games

You had woke up to light snoring somewhere in the room. You looked over at Amelia with all of the sheets and blankets at the end of her bed. You glanced over at the clock on the side table and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning. You started to groan, you had hoped to spend a little more time sleeping. You rolled back over and tried to get some more sleep. You groaned even more when you realised that you couldn't get back to sleep. So you decided to get up and ready for a walk.

You had a quick shower and got changed. Getting to a pair of black track pants, a (F/C) jacket and your boots. You closed and locked the door quietly behind you and started to walk out into the cold, snowy weather.

You walked over by the lodge and saw that the lights were on in the ice skating rink. You frowned. Who in there right mind would be practicing this early? You thought to yourself. Even you aren't normally up at this time and if you were you would be inside going something completely in proactive. You really wanted to see who was practicing this early in the morning.

Your boots crunched the snow beneath you as you came closer to the rink. You got to the door and pushed it opened. Suddenly you felt hotter as the heater was on and was completely warming up the room. You took off your jacket and made your way into the rink. Placing your jacket on one of the chairs in the back row, you started to make your way to up right up on the edge. As you got closer you realised it was the same person that you 'crashed' into yesterday.

You leaned against the barrier and watch Yuri skate his heart out. You were absolutely mesmerised by his fluent movements on the ice. It was truly a beautiful sight for you to see. Yuri was so engrossed into his skating he didn't even see or feel you gawking at him. A few hours had past and Yuri had finally stopped skating and was making his way off the ice. He was caught of guard when he saw you clapping and standing by his bag.

"Impressive ice boy." You smiled at him.

Yuri frowned at the fact of being called ice boy. "Thanks." He said quickly in an attempt for being polite.

"What were you doing being up that early?" You asked as Yuri took of his skates.

"Practicing." Yuri mumbled in a 'no dah' sound.

"Well obviously." You smiled. "But what possessed you to skate this early."

"I wanted to get some practice time in before everyone comes to practice." Yuri explained as he put his skates away in his bag.

"Where are you going now?" You asked as you followed Yuri up the stairs.

"Probably to get some breakfast at the lodge." Yuri said.

"Mind if I come along?" You say once you realised you hadn't had something to eat this morning.

"I would real-"

"Great." You smiled as you cut Yuri off and walked with him to the lodge.

You walked quietly with Yuri. You must admit that it was a little too quiet and awkward for you. You smiled and thought about trying to start a conversation with him.

"It sure is nice weather." You say as you looked up to the sky and saw not a single cloud in the sky.

"Yeah sure." Yuri grunted back as he seemed more interested on his phone and not about the sky or where he was going for that matter.

"You'll get square eyes if you look at that for too long." You tease as you looked over at him.

"Doesn't really matter to me." He says as he still is looking on his phone.

You soon become bored with Yuri and the conversation. It was hitting an all time low, not that the conversation was going anywhere in the first place. You felt a little happier when you saw the lodge. You could only imagine what they had at the all-you-could-eat buffet that was there. You looked over at Yuri to try and talk to him again but he was still looking at his phone.

"What are you doing?" You say as you look over his shoulder. "Sending secret messages to your girlfriend?"

Yuri says noting but glares at you. The glare was so harsh that he could melt ice with it. At the thought of Yuri brooding and glaring constantly during you five minute walk together. You decided to throw some little fun his way. You stopped and walked up behind him, as he was so engrossed in his phone he didn't even see you could up beside him, in that moment you swiped his phone from him and started to run towards the lodge.

"Hey!" Yuri called out. "Give that back!" He yelled.

You did nothing but laugh. "Oooo what secrets are in here?" You say as you look at the phone. You saw that one of his social media accounts are open. You had a look and saw that it was Instagram. You could swear that most people that you have met that their lives evolve around it. You quickly took a photo of yourself and Yuri running behind you.

yuri-plisetsky: Chasing (Y/I/N)* around is such a blast! 😎

You smiled at you handy work and carried on running to the lodge. Yuri was at a huge disadvantage as he had to carry his bag with all of his training gear in it. You made it to the front porch of the lodge and stood there leaning against the one of the poles and smiled as you saw Yuri running his way there. When he got to the porch, you held,out your hand and his phone to grab. Yuri came up next to you with his hair all over his face, you had sniffle a laugh at the sight. Giving you another death glare, Yuri came and snatched his phone from you and walked inside. You smiled and followed closely behind him.

Yuri went straight to the buffet and got everything that he wanted for breakfast, which mainly consisted of fruit and nuts. You would think after a training like that he would of taken more food. You simply shrugged your shoulders and went to the buffet. On the buffet, they had every breakfast item available to man out. You staked your plate with pancakes and drown it in maple syrup. You looked out and saw that Yuri had chosen a seat far away from you that looked out a window. You slowly made you way over to him and took a seat. Yuri looked over at you, his face was filled with disgust, you was hoping it was about your poor meal choice mac not that fact that he wasn't too pleased about sharing a table with you.

"Why are you following me?" Yuri asked as he looked at you.

"You look like you need friends." You say honestly as you took a pancake and started to cut it up.


Well that's a wrap! I am planing to have the next chapter up in the next few days. I do feel like this wasn't as long as the last chapter. I was running out of ideas for this chapter, but there will be more character introductions in the next few chapters. I'm not sure if you have read the description again, but book will have spoilers from the anime, and the anime might be canon (right word?) in this story I haven't really made my mind up yet! Although what happened in the anime doesn't really affect the story's plot. In my previous books (not on this account) I normally have a question of the chapter. And this 'question of the chapter' is why did you start watching Yuri!!! On Ice? (I'm curious to see if anyone has the same reason as me 😉)

-ash 💖⛸

*(Y/I/N) = Your Instagram name

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