⇢ four

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Chapter Four: Woljeongsa Temple

You were in a bus making your way to a temple that Viktor wanted to look at. Nothing much had changed since Yuri had walked in the lobby late. Yuuri and Makkachin was still with you, and the two Russians were talking about something in Russian. You looked over at Yuuri and you see that he understood little bits of the conversation. But you and Yuuri were in your own conversations talking about the differences about the sports that you compete in. It was obvious that one sport was more graceful than the other. Although Yuuri was shocked that there was more than one event for snowboarding in the Winter Olympics.

Halfway through you and Yuuri ended both on Instagram as you compared who you followed and your posts. You ended up following each other and posting a photo of your little group.

(Y/I/N): chilling with Makkachin 😎🐶

You saw that Yuri also posted a photo and it was of you and Makkachin smiling together. You quickly liked it and replied with a comment before you checked you messages. You realised that you didn't send a message to Amelia you quickly send her a message telling her that you had gone site seeing with Yuri, Yuuri and Viktor.

You looked to your right and saw that Makkachin and Yuuri started to fall asleep. You took a quick picture and put in your head phones and started to listen to your music. You leaned your head back on the seat behind you and smiled at the fact that you had made some new friends on during this Olympic Games, and all before the open ceremony.

Viktor looked over at you, Yuuri and Makkachin and smiled at the fact that both Yuuri and Makkachin was curled up together asleep. He looked over at Yuri and saw a glare on his face.

"Now why are you angry?" Viktor asked as he looked at Yuri.

"Nothing." He replied shortly.

Viktor sighed and looked over at him. He had known Yuri for a while, probably longer than Yuuri. He knew that it was all an act, after all he had seen him talking to his grandfather and saw a softer expression than no one ever sees.

"You're going to fall in love with her." Viktor said as he looked over at you.

"No I'm not." Yuri said very irritated at the very thought. Yuri's over all opinion of you wasn't that high, he found you extremely annoying and you had only ever known him for not even a day. A new record. He thought, it had never taken anyone that short of a time to get on his nerves, it was almost like it was your soul purpose in life to annoy him. The very idea of someone touching his phone made him angry.

"But you arrrreeee." Viktor said as he laughed.

"I'm not." Yuri stated once more.

"You are! It's written in the stars!" Viktor exclaimed as he put his arms up in the air.

Yuri placed his head in his hands as he looked out of the window and looked out at the snowy landscape. He could hear Viktor going on about how you and Yuri are destined to be together. In some cases, there was some time were he found Viktor the most annoying person in the whole world, but in a short day, you had almost made Viktor's rambling child's play. He frowned at that thought.

Yuri felt complete peace when he saw that they had finally made it to the temple. He was speechless when he saw how beautiful the temple was. Yuri saw you get up and take your head phones off when you had realised that you were here. He looked to his right and saw that Viktor had gone to wake up Yuuri and Makkachin.

When Viktor came over you had already gotten up. And you saw that he started to wake Yuuri and Makkachin up. You smile at them. They almost appeared to be a small family. Yuuri and Viktor being the parents and Makkachin being the child. You all got off the bus and started to walk towards the temple.

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