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Chapter Six: Another Training

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Chapter Six: Another Training

Two weeks had past and you had three new best friends: Amelia, Yuuri and Viktor. Technically four if you counted Makkachin. You would of called Yuri a friend, but every time you were with him, he was very dismissive and really couldn't care for what you were doing. The first moment from when you next him you knew that there wasn't going to be a friendship anytime soon. Which didn't really bother you as much as you thought. You really couldn't figure out why he would act like that, but you gave up trying to figure that one out, so you just presume that he treated everyone like that and that was just him as a person. Although he didn't seem so cold towards Viktor and Yuuri, you just put that down to the fact that they have known each other for a longer time.

You rolled out of bed, you had almost regretted the previous night, you were sitting with Yuuri in the dining room and sharing life stories and sharing three pizzas between yourselves. You had learnt a lot about Yuuri (obliviously) and Viktor. He did share a little information about Yuri, but it was just that fact that he was raised mainly by his grandfather, which interested you a lot. Before you could of questioned it more; Viktor had burst in the dining room saying that he missed Yuuri in bed. Yuuri's face flushed red in embarrassment, and you couldn't help but laugh as Viktor dragged Yuuri out of the room.

A little streak of envy went through you as you saw Amelia laying in bed with her mother wide open, snoring. Amelia hadn't on going out to practice until late this evening. You had unfortunately decided on another early morning training. There wasn't going to be much room for training or practices as soon there was going to be the open ceremony coming up in a few days and then the first events were going to be off. On the ice you were sure that they were going to do the team and pair events first and then moving on to the singles. On the snow on the other hand your events were all over the place. Four days after the start of the Olympics you had your slop style, or freestyle as most people called it. Then followed by the snowboard parallel and then in the last week you had the half pipe. You had wished that your events would be closer together so you could watch some of the other events. Fate must of been on your side as for most of the figure skating performances you could go and watch your friends as your practice times and events didn't clash with any of their events.

You had clumsily gotten on your training gear and walked out of the cabin and locked the door behind you and made your way to the ski lift. You stumbled past the rink, you could see lights on, but you couldn't see who was practicing. You could bet your wins that it was Yuri practicing. You sat down on a chair, you couldn't believe the view that you had been given. The sun had just risen and it casted a warm glow over the mountain slopes. You smiled at this sight. It was a sight that you could never get tried of no matter where in the world you had gone, the view was just as breath-taking. Even though it was below freezing outside, it made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

You got off the lift and went to get your board. After getting into all the gear you needed you went to one of the training slopes. Of course they didn't want to use the slopes that were going to be used on the day, otherwise some people would be put a disadvantages. The slope was set up for a parallel, which is when individuals go down a set course complete all of the obstacles in the way, and fastest time wins. Easy enough. You thought to yourself, after all you I was the first ever event you had competed in, when you were a little eight year old and still couldn't tell left from right. You had really hoped that you would of had your coaches guidance, but sadly a family event came up and he was unable to make it.

You had gone down a few times and your times had improved every time. You decided to go on another course so you could try and get a similar time. You went down, you couldn't tell anyone why, but it felt like your senses had got enhanced, you were able to spot the obstacles easier and you were able to their jump them or avoid them. You smiled and checked your time on your phone, it was you fastest time yet! You felt like you were on fire as you just bet a personal record that was set sometime last year. You checked the time on your phone and saw it was nearing lunch time so you went back and packed up all of your equipment and gear that you had and made your way to the ski lift.

Once you were off the ski lift you walked past the rink and you saw Yuuri walking out with Makkachin following behind him.

"Yuuri!" You waved at him as he spun around to see you.

"(Y/N)!" He said excitedly as he walked up to you. "What are you doing here?"

"I've just finished a practice." You said. "What about you?"

"Oh I've just finished a practice with Viktor." He replied. "Do you want to get a drink?"

"Yeah sure." You smiled at him.

You made your way to a small cafe that was near the lodge. You had told Yuuri that you we're going to run back to your cabin to grab your wallet, but he said that it was no problem from him to buy you a drink. Yuuri walked in first then he held the door open for both you and Makkachin to walk in. It was very warm inside the cafe so you took off your jacket and put it on the coat rack and Yuuri did the same. You ordered (Y/F/B)* and Yuuri ordered a hot chocolate. You both sat down next to a window and ate the slice of cake the Yuuri had brought you.

"Thank you." You smiled at Yuuri.

"It's no problem at all." Yuuri laughed and then smiled back at you.

"What were you practicing?" You asked Yuuri.

"Nothing special." Yuuri said, but then paused as the drinks came over he took a huge mouthful of his hot chocolate and you did the same for your drink. "Just some jumps the Viktor was worried about." Yuuri continued.

"Hmmm." You said as you took another sip of your drink. It was warm you up on the inside, right down to your toes.

"What about you?" Yuuri said looking at you.

"Just some courses, to improve my time and awareness." You said as you took another mouthful of the cake.

"I can believe that this Sunday that Winter Olympics will officially start." Yuuri said as he thought about the opening ceremony.

"Yeah me too." You agreed. "It's kinda scary that almost the whole world will be watching." You said as you looked at you almost empty drink.

"I know what you mean." Yuuri said. "It's not every year that Japan has a figure skater that could place. It kinda scares me."

"Same here." You said. "I mean there have been people before me that have done great snowboarding." You said thoughtfully. "I just want to make my country proud you know?"

"Yeah same here." Yuuri said almost sadly.

"Well..." You said as the conversation took a turn for the worse. "Here's to the Olympics and our successes." You said as you raised your mug in the air.

"The Olympics and our successes." Yuuri copied as he raise his mug and clinked it with yours. Soon you both started to laugh at your small little toast that you had done. You and Yuuri quickly finished you drinks and thanked the barista and left with your jackets, Yuuri's training gear and Makkachin in tow. You had agreed to go back to the rink with Yuuri after he dropped everything off at his cabin and you pick up a few things from yours. As you were making your way back to the rink you heard someone call out.

"Hey number two!"


A/N: Here is to another chapter! I can't believe how quickly I got another chapter out! I have officially planed out the story! However I'm kinda toying with the ending a bit. How would you like the ending? If you have recently checked out my profile you would see two interesting stories on there. I have made this book a part of a series. The series was originally be a continuation of this story, but instead they are both going to be Olympic themed stories for Viktor and Yuuri. Viktor's story is called Olympic Promises and Yuuri's story is called Olympic Heartbreaker. Which would you like first Yuuri or Viktor? I doesn't affect the plots of any of the books in any way. I really do hope that you are having a fabulousness filled day where ever in the world you are!

-ash ✌🏻️⛸

*(Y/F/B) = Your favourite beverage

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