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Chapter Seven: Number Two

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Chapter Seven: Number Two

"Hey number two!" You groaned. You knew exactly who that was. It was Olivia, the world number one female snowboarder. "The half pipe looks fun aye?" She laughed as you frowned at her.

"Who is she?" You heard Yuuri whisper into your ear.

"Who am I? Olivia belts out like she the supreme queen of the world. "Why I'm Olivia Swaurts, the best snowboarder in the world." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Who needs their ego to be deflated." You mumble underneath your breath.

"Tsk, tsk." You hear Olivia say. "I thought you had better sportsmanship than that." Olivia said as she shook her head in mock disappointment.

"You didn't show any of this 'sportsmanship' you're preaching about at the world championships!" You exclaimed very angrily. Yuuri was caught in the middle of a full on battle between the world number one female snowboarder, Oliva, and the number two, which was you.

"Aww is the wee lamb sad because she couldn't beat me? Oh how precious." Olivia mocked at you. "Speaking of beating you..." Olivia trailed off. "You really shouldn't of shown your face at the games this year, because couldn't you imagine the embarrassment of losing to me for a second time." Olivia continued. "Anyway I already have three times- no wait six times more gold medals than you do,"

"I wouldn't get so cocky if I was you." You argued back. "Didn't your mother ever tell do count your chickens before they hatch? Because if I remember correctly I had beaten you on the parallel and there was half a point difference on the slope style."

"Well yeah, didn't your mother ever tell you about beginners luck?" Olivia asked you.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you what goes around, comes around?" You exclaimed angrily.

"So you're going to be a washed up has-been as soon as the games finish." Olivia smirked at you.

"Not as washed up as you're going to be!" You yelled. Determination coursed through you as you wanted to prove Olivia wrong and show her who the washed up has-been.

"Believe what you want has-been, but I've got to go and relax, because unlike you I don't really need the practice." Olivia said as she walked away.

You growled. Yuuri was taken back by your change in attitude. Makkachin walked up to and rubbed his head affectionately on your leg. Almost all of your anger that you held toward Olivia disappeared as you smiled at Makkachin. You crouched down and patted him on the head.

"Man she really does get on my nerve!" You exclaimed as you stood up. "I mean who does she think she is!" You yelled out to no one in particular. "She could never be nice or this so called 'sportsmanship' that she loves to preach to me." You said as you turned to walked right up to Yuuri. "Have you met anyone so arrogant and ego-centric as her?!"

Olympic Gold ❄️ Yuri PlisetskyWhere stories live. Discover now