Chapter One

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        Hello all you people out there that have so graciously decided to read my book! Here's a disclaimer, this book is probably horrible seeing as it is my first book... That being said continue cautiously.. XD                                            Well Here we go I guess?!

Picture of Alpha Maxwell above^

The sound of running water pounded through my head as I sprinted through the forest near the river that ran across my packs land. Crunches of fallen leaves crackled under my paws as I tried to get back to the pack house hoping I could get there in time. "Come on Tess, faster, faster!" I whispered to myself. Picking up the pace a little more I ran by the secret cave my best friend, Riley, and I had found and used as our safe haven and secret hideout when we wanted to be alone. I leaped over the small brook we played together in as pups. Passing trees bearing our mean less markings. This forest is my home, it is my life, countless hours spent here and too many memories littered this forest.

My headed was about to explode with the swirl of emotions inside my head from my panicking pack members. Come on we need to get to the pack house now! My wolf, Astra screamed through our mind link. I continued to sprint through the forest, jumping over fallen trees and side stepping hazardous rocks. My sleek black body of my wolf flew through the trees as my light grey, almost white, eyes scanned the woods before me.

As I reach the pack house I can hear growls of aggression ripping through the late night and howls of sorrow from the lonely she wolves loosing their mates to the fearsome battle. The scene before me was born of chaos, wolves everywhere tearing away at each other, blood spilling everywhere staining the ground a repulsive crimson red with a stench of thousands of rotting corpses, while others were ushering pups and females into the shelter of the pack house to protect the future of the Lunar Crescent Pack, my pack.

I saw as the pack warriors fell to the cutthroat invaders no match for the numbers the enemy had brought along with them. In the center of all the fighting my middle aged leader, Alpha Maxwell, triumphing over the invader scum with his second in command, Beta John, by his side. The Alpha had ordered Luna Jennifer and all female wolves in the pack house leaving only a few warriors in side whilst the rest defended their pack. I was the sole female outside because I was an exception. I am the only female warrior of my pack, this is because my father is Beta John and I have worked my way to where I am now.

As I stepped towards the battle I hurled myself at the nearest wolf, slicing through its fur and into precious flesh leaving the body I found another victim and carved a path through the crowd towards my father and the Alpha. Wherever I turned the enemy wolves dropped dead like flys while I continued alone my path, biting throats and tearing chunks of flesh off. Still the battle raged on but before I could reach my goal the Alpha and his Beta were double teamed each fighting too many wolves to handle.

Time stopped nothing else mattered at that moment, the wolves around me became a blur as I cried a warning to the leaders. The next thing I knew they were both collapsed on the ground quickly bleeding out as the killers stood over their bodies sounding a victorious howl as they turned towards the pack house.

The rouges are here... and they are here for BLOOD.

Hey guys! Sorry if that was a short chapter. I hope it was okay. Feedback would be very helpful as well as maybe a suggestion for a male leads name.
Thank you!!

Touché Mr. AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz