Chapter Five

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Picture of Josh^
Opening her eyes with confusion Tess saw that all three rouge's bodies lay dead on the ground. Above them stood a large grey wolf, blood dripping from his muzzle. Soon three smaller wolves joined him and began to surround Tess. Panic filled Tess's mind. What are they doing? Why are they circling me? This can't be good. They're going to torture me! Tess began to shake with fear and frantically searched for an exit, but couldn't find one. Tess was stuck.
Looking at her enemy closer the large grey wolf had two notches in his ear signifying that he was a Beta. Oh great he's a Beta, Tess thought to herself, he's so much bigger than me and probably a lot more skilled at fighting than me too. I have to find the weak link to get out of here. Looking around at the other wolves she observed the smallest of the wolves who happened to be smaller than Tess's wolf. There I have to overpower the small one if I hope to escape and then run like hell, Tess plans out in her head.

Tess dug her claws into the ground hoping to increase her power and launched herself at the small brown wolf barreling it over. Then she ran as fast as she could to get away from the scary wolves. Her paws hitting the ground sounding like an elephant stomping through the woods.

The black wolf spiraled and twisted through the heavily forested trees thinking that she could loose the wolves following her, but she was mistakenly wrong. The next thing she knew the side of her wolf slammed into a sturdy oak tree. Looking around at her attacker she saw the grey Beta towering over her pinning her to the ground. Tess remembered all of the tricks that her father had taught her to get out of a hold. Luckily the beta's grip was slack, he didn't think the smaller black wolf underneath him was trained in anyway.

Oh how he was wrong, Tess used her hind legs to scratch away at the beta's belly and rolled on her side causing the Beta to crash towards the ground. You know the saying the bigger they are the harder they fall, well that's exactly what happened to the Beta. You could hear the thump he made all the way to Canada and back.

Turning around she barely dodged being tackled again, but this time by another wolf, instead she slammed him into an oncoming tree and heard a sickening crack from his leg braking.

Hearing the wolf whimpering in pain she turned around again but was finally pinned by the two other wolves. This was a hold she was unable to brake. Fear overtook her yet again and she snarled out at her combatants. Out off the corner she saw the grey Beta disappeared behind a tree only to see a young man come out from behind it in only basketball shorts. Coming closer Tess realized that he was very handsome. He had thick dark brown hair with cloudy blue eyes, she guessed he was around 6'1" and was very muscular not quite buff but lean and fit.

He walked closer to Tess his bare feet softly hitting the moss underneath them. He stared directly into her eyes, "Shift, rouge!" He ordered her in a very deep and authoritative voice. Oh hell no! Tess said in her head. I don't care if you are dazzling I'm not shifting. Instead Tess growled out at the beautiful stranger. "I said SHIFT, you stupid rouge!" he yelled out at her again as he got closer. Like hell I will. Tess thought, I'm gonna smash your pretty boy face in. She snarled out again but got a slap on her muzzle. "We got a fighter here Beta Josh," someone chuckled. Sighing the Beta Josh reached out and grabbed hold of Tess's neck, "I guess we have to do this the hard way," he said while increasing the pressure on Tess's neck. The pain built up under Tess's fur and she began to whimper at the pain. "Shift and I will release your neck, rouge," the strange Beta negotiated. Finally Tess gave into his hold and tried to shift.

This shift was almost as painful as her first shift because she had been in this form for almost a month. It took her a little bit to actually shift. Her legs dislocated out of their sockets and realigned themselves as her tail shrunk and fused with the rest of her body. Tess' teeth sunk back into her gum and her muzzle felt as if it was being flattened against her face by a frying pan. All the while you could here hundreds of little pops and scraping of her bones finding their new shape. Lastly the fur on her body began to retreat leaving her skin bare.

"Finally were getting somewhere," the irritating Beta said, "Now you filthy rouge what are you doing on Ironclad Pack land?" he interrogated. Truthfully Tess had never heard of this pack before and had no idea where she was. She was still kneeling on the ground trying to cover her nakedness and asked, "Um, are you going to give me a shirt or something?" The Beta smirked at her and said, "You've got to earn a shirt rouge, so tell me why are you on our land?" Her face went beet red and angrily said, " Well I didn't know I was on anyone's land, your highness!" She mocked, "And secondly why is it any of your business, I wasn't hurting anything."

"I make it my business to know who enters my land without invitation'" Josh coldly said. "I guess we should take you to the dungeon the Alpha will want to see the filthy rouge who attacked us." Tess eyes went wide. Dungeon? Where they torture people? Wait, did he say I attacked them? Uh no that's a lie they circled me first? I didn't seek them out.

Tess was tossed over the beta's shoulder and taken to a large house. She guessed it was their pack house, it was huge it had to be at least twice the size of her pack house. There were no pups playing outside but instead there were groups of men and wolves patrolling the territory.

Tess was carried to the side of the house where there was a cellar door. She tried squirming out of the beta's grasp again but he was too strong for her as they stepped down into the cellar and walked the dimly lit halls of the Ironclad pack's dungeon.

Hey readers, I hope this chapter wasn't too boring I tried making it longer. Do you guys have any preference for Beta Josh's pack name, Ironclad just doesn't fit. I would like something somewhat unique.
Thank you guys!

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