Chapter Three

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Picture of Tess above^

I awoke to an almost hungover feeling with my head throbbing. Finally noticing my surroundings as an unfamiliar scene. I realized I was not in my cozy bedroom at the pack house, I was in fact surrounded by thick, hardwood trees with the smell of pine greeting my senses. Looking down I observe I was completely bare as the memories of the prior night came slamming back through my thoughts.

Thankfully there was no throbbing between my legs. Hopefully that meant my virginity was still intact after that filthy rouge knocked me out. It sent shivers crawling down my skin thinking about his tongue trailing my skin and his rough, uncomfortable hands pulling at my long, wavy, light brown hair, streaked with natural golden highlights. My virginity is the most sacred thing to me at this point of my life. It was the only thing I wished to give to my mate and to my mate alone, whenever I found him.

Remembering what the despicable rouge leader uttered to me in the dead of night, the rouges are coming. Yes, rouges had always been a problem for werewolf packs all over existence but what did he mean 'the rouges are coming'? It's not like they were a real threat, but what I had witnessed recently put that to question.

               Following the smell of burnt flesh I dragged my uncooperative limbs through the deathly quiet forest. Nothing made a sound, it was as if the birds were mourning the unspeakable massacre that had occurred before them. The only thing that could be heard for miles was the harsh intakes of my breath and the crunch from under my feet from my weakening legs. The trees themselves seemed to be waning at the tension the deathly air protruded.

                  Finally stepping into the clearing where my pack house once stood proud and strong laid a heap of smoldering rubble. Observing what was left of my home I could see   the bones of those trapped within the building were protruding from the charcoals ashes. I winced as I felt a crack underneath my foot from someone's bone. The bones, their bones, the bones of my pack members, those I swore to protect. My family, gone.

                My ears flooded with the sounds of those screaming out for help but to no avail. The whimpering pups cowering under their mothers looking for comfort from all of the confusion and terror around them. While the Mothers attempted to calm their defenseless pups with empty words of promise while trying to reassure themselves. The broken cry of the newly widowed she wolf wishing to end her her state of turmoil..... and they're gone. All gone.

"And Tess remember, your mother and I will always love you," he sniffled as he began to fade away with my Mother smiling lovingly at me.
End of Flashback

But would they really still love me? I had abandoned my pack, left them to die. It was all my fault because I could not protect them. Their blood, the blood of my family, is all over my hands, I am drenched in it, forever stained with my failure.

                    Wanting to avoid the sight of this atrocity I only found a worse image yet. To the side of the pack house lay the body of my father being mutilated by hordes of hideous scavenger birds until you couldn't recognize his body along side our alpha.

                     With a heavy heart I decided to burry his body to give myself some hope that he'll be at peace finally. Sitting back my tear-streaked face burnt from the salty teardrops and sweat born of this carnage. My wolf had remained silent since the explosion refusing to let her guard down any further. The cold finally set in along with a sickening thought. I AM THE LONE SURVIVOR OF LUNAR CRESCENT PACK.

I just couldn't take it anymore. Shifting to my wolf form, black hair sprouted from my skin, while my legs began to realize themselves and my head squeezed into a narrower shape. Lastly sharp canines protruded from my jaw and deadly claws bejeweled my paws. The ghostly eyes of my wolf scanned my home for the last time, then I turned and my legs carried me off into the safety of the heavily forested wilderness, or was it?

Hi guys! I'm sorry the chapters are so short. I'm trying to work on making them longer. Thanks for reading.

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