Chapter Six

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Well here's another chapter!
Picture of Hayden^

          Cold. The deathly breath of Jack Frost creeping up from the ground and leaping into the air, Icy but ablaze. The ghostly claws of death here to greet me at the gates of hell. Toxic, the numbness Death gifts to its playthings before He throws it away. Shivers that you can't get rid yourself of. A cruel joke that death points and laughs at. Frozen.

             This is what Tess was feeling at the moment chained to the wall of a deathly cold stone still bare as a babe. The chains rattled from her endless shivering and her lips turning all shades of purple and blue almost as if they were bruised, and the smell of death itself. The smell made her want to regurgitate her organs until her eyes popped out of her head. The metallic smell of blood saturated the walls of this hell, never to be able to be washed away. The sounds of hell heard were the wails of the damned banished to stay here for all eternity and screams of the furies tasked with hunting them down like wild beasts and torturing them till they broke. The stone walls were built strong, to keep the army of the damned at bay while they slowly froze to death but could not die again. Hell sure was cold.

              Tess was drug out of her thoughts when she heard the cellar doors open and footsteps approached her cell where she was chained up and shivering. The footsteps slowed at her cell where the face of death poked his head in her cell ready to torture her. "Good morning sunshine!" Josh exclaimed as he brought Tess some food. "Alpha sends his apologies for not appearing yesterday but he had more important matters to attend to." Ohh how much Tess wished these chains were breakable so she could strangle the smirk of his pompous face but seeing as they were made of silver she would never be able to do that. Her canines elongated so she could snarl and bare them at him instead. "Whoa there warrior princess it's just food. I don't know why I'm even bringing you this, but it's Alpha's orders." I watched him as he tossed a piece of stale bread before me on the floor where who know what was at one point or another.

             She grabbed it and ate the untouched parts of it before setting it aside. "Now how about you tell me why you were on our territory, rouge." The devil asked me. "Well for your information buster I have a name and it's not rouge you jack wagon." She said as she shot imaginary ninja starts with extra, deadly spikes at his stupidly gorgeous face. He fake gasps and says, "What foul language for such a little girl like you. Well then how about you tell me your name then, ROUGE." Putting an emphasis on the last part. "My name is Tess you pompous windbag and I will only talk to your alpha not a lowly servant such as yourself!" She snarkily proclaims with victories smirk on her face.

Josh's Point Of View
             Josh's eyes flicker from their blue to a monstrous black as he clutches his fists in anger from the stupid rouge sitting in the dungeon. How dare she talk to him like that! He is the Beta of THE Ironclad Pack!

              He leaves her to rot in the cell to go and report to The Alpha. He finds the Alpha in his office. Josh knocks on the beautifully carved hickory door before entering and notices all of the papers scattered everywhere and empty whiskey bottles discarded on the floor, some still partially full. In the middle of this chaos sits Alpha Hayden. His brown hair was messy and unkept from over working himself. His forest green eyes were bloodshot and had heavy bags underneath his once stellar eyes.

             Josh had never seen his Alpha looking so beaten. "The rouges are planning another attack Josh." Hayden said, we had already suffered from a large rouge invasion wiping out most of our warriors. No doubt they were waiting to attack us again when we had let our guard down. I knew exactly what he needed, a stress release, and I knew exactly where to find it.  I turned to him and said "Alpha we found a rouge not too far from the pack house last night. We brought the rouge back for questioning. He rouge will tell us what their battle plans are and when they will attack. I was wondering if you wanted to interrogate her yourself." I smirked to myself evilly knowing the Alpha would break the arrogant little snake we had locked in the dungeons. She was one of the damned in our little hell and I was Death her captor and I was going to bring her to her knees begging. I was going to unleash Hades himself upon her.

           Alpha Hayden looked up from his work with an excited glint in his eye wanting to get a step ahead of the rouge scum who murdered his people. "Alright let's go," He said and followed his Beta to the dungeons. They stopped at a cell where he could see a girl of about 17 chained to the wall shaking from the cold.

Back to Tess POV
          Tess looked up to see startling green eyes roaming her body then finally meeting her eyes as she barred her teeth at the beautiful stranger. He looked to be only a few years older than herself standing a little taller than Josh with messy brown hair sticking out in many different ways and worn eyes. He walked into her cell keeping a good couple feet between the two. "So you must be the rouge my Beta found on MY territory." He said. "Yes I am the WOLF he found, but no, I am not a rouge." Tess said through gritted teeth. "Is that so? Then why would a pretty little thing like you be doing on my land?" He questioned. "I am the last remaining member of the Lunar Crescent Pack. The rouges, they came and they murdered everyone," Tess sniffles a little bit not wanting to show weakness but couldn't help it, "They didn't leave anyone but me, everyone is gone, the warriors, my alpha, my family, even the pups... even the pups!" Tess whispered the last part to herself.

               The Alpha before Tess looked on with widened eyes. He had heard of the the Lunar Crescent Pack they were very well known for being one of the oldest and biggest packs in the Americas. If they were wiped out by the rouges than what chance did his pack have. But he was suspicious, there was no way that they had been wiped out, this rouge girl was probably sent to distract him and send the Ironclad Pack into a panic.

             "And why should I believe any of this you filthy rouge. You're a liar, there is no way that is even possible!" He said as he angrily got closer to Tess. He was going to send the rag tag band of rouges out there a message that his pack wasn't weak. He grabbed the rouge and dragged her out of her cell and down the hall to a torture room.

            Tess was scared out of her mind as the crazy Alpha strapped her down to a table where she frantically looked around her room seeing torture device after torture device. If you thought Josh was death then Alpha Hayden was the cruel dictator Hades of this hell. He grabbed a despicable looking scalpel and started making slashes all over her body. Next he grabbed a whip of some sort and lashed out of her so many times she lost count. Lastly she was hooked up to a machine and next thing she knew she felt an unbearable pain course through her body then stop. The cruel Alpha than messed with a dial that turned up the amount of electricity coursing through Tess's defeated body slowly her vision became blurry and then she was overcome by the darkness.

Hey guys! Thanks for baring with me! Sorry about the grammar and the poor quality. Who else officially hates Hayden with a burning passion? Don't forget to like and comment!

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