Chapter Nine

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Hayden's Wolf^

Hayden's POV
Quiet. The deathly silence awaiting for the chaos to arrive decked out in its full form.

Serenity. The peaceful call of nature in perfect order, before discord flips its world upside down.

It was almost as if Mother Nature was granting us this one last comfort before the bloody battle to come.

But that still wouldn't change the fact that they were coming. The rouges were coming, to finish what they started. Total annihilation. We were the targets, their end goal. Prey.

Hayden emotions were a swirl inside of him waiting for the battle to begin but fearing the cost for his pack. Reminiscing all of the years he has spent with them.

Images of his pack flashed through his mind. From the time when he was young pup to only a few days ago.

Flashback- 6 year old Hayden
Little Hayden could be seen playing outside of the pack house with other pups of his age. Running around and squealing in their own little world of pretend. Hayden watched his playmates stomp around, play sword fighting and slaying dragons to rescue the fair maidens. They weren't just his fellow pack members or his future subject, as he would be Alpha. They weren't even his friends, they were his family.

"Kids! It's time to eat!" A kind, warm-hearted woman called to the dirty children playing in the yard. All of them cheered knowing that their bellies would soon be filled to the brim with their salvation. Food! Glorious Food!

Running and jumping up the stairs they raced each other into the pack house to clean up before the meal. All you could hear were their giggles and pounding of their feet on the hard wood floors, echoing through the cozy building, Hayden's home.

Entering the ginormous dining room Hayden drooled a little bit. Well to an 8 year old it was bigger than life itself. So many different blessings were laid out on the table, screaming 'eat me!' The children took their respected seats awaiting for everyone to sit at the table before eating. The room was a picture of harmony. Happiness was radiating off one another, only brightening the room. Strengthens their bonds as a whole. Together they made each other's lives worth it because after all, they were family. No one in the room wasn't without a true smile adorning their face.

This was what it was like to have a family. To be loved and to love something. Not just someone but the entire pack. The sense of belonging and if he were anywhere else in the world no matter how long he was there for could never call home because this place, with his family is where he belonged. His home.

Hayden knew that he did indeed love his pack and would always and forever.
Flashback Over

         But all good things must come to end and his thoughts turned sour. Visions of screaming children tears staining their cheeks with red puffy eyes from hours of sobbing contained in just a few short minutes. Their throats so sore from screaming that they couldn't talk any longer as they were running for their lives because no one was there to save them. They were alone. Their friends and family, the only people they had in the world, were limp bodies lying on the ground, dead.

Hayden didn't care who you were NO ONE messed with kids, whether they belonged to his pack or not.

Hayden was enraged by the thoughts going through his head. He punched a hole through his sheet rock wall to the side of his desk to alleviate some of his stress. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to take his mind off of the turmoil within his head.

           Looking out his window he could see the shadowy figures of the enemy standing at the edge orb the horizon. Suddenly they took off to begin the battle.

         He turned and left his office knowing that the women, children of his pack were safely hidden away in a safe house deep with the forest. More like a secret underground bunker stocked with everything they could possibly need.

        Hayden's wolf was on edge waiting anxiously to tear into the enemies flesh causing Hayden to fall to the ground in order to shift. Soon he was covered from head to tail in grey fur. He ran through the woods of his home and joined his pack in their stand, at their Alamo, together.

         Hayden and his troop of warriors came to a clearing and vaulted seeing the enemy was already waiting for them. Something was off though. The rouges were in human form carrying guns. Yes, there were such things as silver bullets and wolfsbane but Hayden would have smelt that threat from a mile away. There wasn't anything harmful about the rouge forces at all.

He stepped forward as did the what seemed to be a leader of the rouges. "Well, well, Hello Alpha Hayden. May I speak to you man to man?" The stranger asked. Hayden decided he might as well comply with the stranger before he slaughtered him and his rouge force. The sound of popping bones and twisting joints graced the silent night. "It's nice to finally meet you!" The rouge leader creepily exclaimed his facial expression mirroring one of a snake. Devious, cruel and backstabbing were written all on his face. Mesmerizing its prey before striking it dead.

"I can't say the same for you, rouge filth." Hayden said through gritted teeth wanting to rip his head off and stick it on a pike. "Now that's no way to act Mr. Alpha." The twit scowled. "I'm going to rip your balls off and feed them to my dog, you piece of trash. Then I'm going to tear off each of your fingers and toes and deep fry them. I'm going to make hell look like paradise for you!" Hayden roared while he advanced to grip his enemy by the throat and slammed him up against a nearby tree lifting him off of his feet and holding him there, while slowly increasing his tight grip on the rouges neck, strangling him.

          Then Hayden felt a small prick on his left shoulder and turned his head to see a blue feathered dart sticking out of his lower shoulder blade. He chuckled and looked at his enemy, "You think a mere dart is going to stop me? You are a bigger fool than I thought you were!" He howled in laughter, but to his surprise, the rouge he had against the tree was suddenly touching the ground and Hayden felt drained of all of his energy. "No Mr. Alpha you are the fool." The rouge snarled.

           Hayden prepared himself to shift to finish off his rouge opponent but to his dismay couldn't seem to shift. "What did you do witch?" Hayden demanded. "Ah, first off in completely werewolf, just like you! Oh whoopsies, not anymore! You seethat little beauty is a concoction of classified ingredients that cures lycanthropy." Hayden looked at the enemy in befuddlement. "What do you mean cure?" Hayden asked. "Okay I'll break it down for your tiny little brain under all of that brawny muscle," the intruder paused earning a low growl from Hayden, "When the serum inside that dart enters your bodies system it literally eats away at your lycanthrope cells because of its reaction to it. Thus, getting rid of your werewolf genes. Permanently." He finished, emphasizing the last bit with an evil grin on his sadistic face.

Okay guys I need your opinions I need to know who should be our lead role?
Channing Tatum
Paul Walker
Chris Hemsworth
Nick Bateman
Marc Eggers
Feel free to name others because my brain isn't working anymore!
Comment your opinion.
Oh and don't forget to vote!
Love you guys and Happy New Year!!!!!

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