Chapter Seven

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Hey guys, I would really appreciate it if you would comment on things that you don't like and ways I can fix them to make my writing more enjoyable to you guys. Thx
Tess woke up to the sound of birds chirping and flapping about, the small brook near wear she was laying flowing along its path peacefully and the life spiraling from it making itself know to the outside world, while the wind was whispering something private to the limbs of the trees making them shiver in delight. The forest around her seemed to be completely relaxed with no worry in the world. She wished she could never leave this time of comfort.

But as soon as she had begun to move she felt all of the pain come crashing throughout her entire body. Dammit this is the second time I've woken up in the forest naked, come on Tess you can do better! Tess scolded herself. Looking at her body she could see the slashes from the scalpel were open and slowly bleeding. Her skin was rubbed raw from where she was hit by the whip over and over again and Tess shivered at the memory of it. She saw bruises all over her body and guessed that even after Tess had blacked out her torturer still kept having his fun. She finally sat up and looked around at her surroundings. Tess noticed she'd been dumped back in the forest which honestly she was grateful for because at least she wasn't still locked up in her cold, putrid cell. Tess moved her arms and legs attempting to get up. The key word is attempted but to her dismay she cried out in pain when Tess put pressure on her leg. Looking down at it she studied it and concluded that due to its odd shape it was broken.

            What scared Tess the most though is the reasoning behind what Alpha Hayden did to her. Why did he torture her she didn't do anything wrong? Why did he leave her out in the woods? Was he giving her a little taste of freedom but then come back and her haul her back to the dungeons to torture her? She didn't deserve any of his wrath! What am I even thinking, of course I deserve this. I failed my family they're all dead because of me, I deserve to be in more pain than this. This is only the beginning my punishment that fate has bestowed upon me. Tess thought to herself.

             Tess decided she needed to get out of this part of the forest in case Hayden decided to come back and get her. Not being able to walk Tess used her arms and one remains leg to drag her body through  the woods. Knowing that this was useless she hesitantly stood herself up and used a stick to support herself on as she hobbled around wincing at her wounds. As she was rounding a thick maple tree she encountered a young girl about the age of twenty-two with beautiful raven hair and large brown doe eyes.

         "Oh my gosh are you okay!?" The girl screamed. My weazing voice answered with, "Well I have been better." The strange girl advanced toward me and the wolf inside me saw that as a threatening move and possessed my body for a moment to snarl at the poor girl. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Let me just get you to a doctor." The dark haired girl cooed. She finally got close enough to Tess that she hoisted up her left shoulder to help carry Tess to wherever she was taking her. "Why are you helping me?" Tess asked. "Well your obviously hurt and I can't just let you stay out here because you'll die within a couple days." She gave me a 'duh' look. "Thank you...." Tess began. "Oh where are my manners I'm Lexi," she smiled  at Tess. "Well thanks Lexi. I'm Tess by the way."

           "What pack are you from and where am I?" Tess asked Lexi. Lexi chuckled at her and said, "I'm not in any pack I'm a rouge, oh and your in Ray, Wyoming. Ray, Wyoming! That's at least sixty miles from my old pack land! Tess thought to herself. And she's a rouge? This can't be, rouges are cutthroats and traitors to pack life. They're fowl creatures how is Lexi a rouge?

            "I know what your thinking Tess how could I be a rouge?" Tess looked at her stunned it was like Lexi was physic. "Well not all rouges are bad. Some of us are completely innocent, even more so than those within the pack. For me I refused the beta of my pack to be married to him and him being the beta he got the Alpha to banish me from the pack." "Wow I'm sorry I didn't know that," Tess admitted guiltily, "I was always taught that rouges were horrible people and I believe them especially since my pack was murdered by rouges."

           The two girls kept acquainting themselves when they finally reached a small cottage tucked in the folds of the forests beauty. Lexi escorted Tess into the quaint little house and laid her on the table. Tess's wounds had for the most stopped bleeding but Tess was still in a lot of pain. Lexi opened a jar of ointment of some sort. "This is a concoction that will up your healing process even more than your already heightened werewolf ability," Lexi explained.

            "What exactly happened to you Tess? You didn't just get into a fight, did you?" Lexi interrogated Tess. "Well, I was sort of kidnapped by the Ironclad Pack and tortured by their alpha." Tess heard a plate drop from Lexi's hands and crashed to the floor before the room fell silent. Then she stuttered, "T-the Ironclad Pack?" Tess nodded "Was the Alpha's name Hayden?" Tess nodded again confused of how Lexi knew this. "And is the Beta still Josh?" Lexi asked and Tess nodded yes. Tears began streaming down Lexi's face. "My old pack tortured you! He tortured you! I can't believe this! He did this to you." Lexi sobbed. "Lexi what are you talking about? Who is this he? Why are you crying?" Tess questioned her. "S-so you s-see Tess, the I-Ironclad pack is where I was banished from." She paused, "A-and, Josh was the beta I was supposed to marry and I refused him. But out of all of the people, Hayden tortured you himself!" Tess absorbed her new found information but was still partially confused, "Wait why does it matter that Hayden did this too me?" Tess asked. "Well it's b-because, it's because Alpha Hayden is my b-brother." Tess' eyes widened with realization.

Ugg finally I finished that chapter. Sorry if it's kinda boring I'm having a little writers block at the moment but I promise I'll amp it up a little bit. Thank you for keeping with me and my horrible writing!

     Don't forget to like and comment it really boosts my confidence knowing someone out there actually is enjoying my book.

Touché Mr. AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ