Chapter Four

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Picture of Astra^
Hey guys I decided to switch this to an authors point of view.
3 Weeks Later

It had been three weeks since The Lunar Crescent pack had been massacred before her eyes. Tess had pretty much become a rouge herself. Currently she was roaming the forest in search of refuge, never staying in one place for very long. Another thing, Tess hadn't been in her human form for three straight weeks. She could feel that she was loosing control to the wolf. Tess was becoming... feral. Astra still hadn't spoken a word since the incident and Tess began to worry.

               Her animalistic urges began to sway Tess's decision making. Normally she would try to leave the forest in its natural state, but now Tess was becoming part of the forest. Her thoughts became warped, her legs moving on their own. Tess began thinking savage thoughts of mauling any and every critter that crossed her path.

Tess was taking shelter in a small cave for the time being. Hearing her belly rumble in hunger she stood up wearily and stretched out, then padded off to find food. A gust of cold wind graciously gifted Tess with the scent of her next meal, venison. (For those of you who don't know, deer) Using her nose Tess picked up on the trail of my prey and closed in on it.

Finally having a visual on her target she arched up on her haunches and launched her body at the doe. But before she could deal any damage the fear Tess saw in the doe's eyes triggered memories of her pack members trapped in the pack house, helpless just like this doe. Images she had tried to forget in these few weeks came pounding through her head again. When Tess regained herself the doe was no where to be seen.

Tess's stomach still demanded for the hearty meal the deer would provide and forced her to continue her chase. Following the trail the deer left she ran in amongst the trees and shrubbery hoping to regain part of her element of surprise, not realizing that the forest had ears.

Stopping in a small clearing she tries to pick up the trail again but this time the scent was weirdly different. Her eyes widened as the scent became clear to her, it was another wolf and that meant trouble for a young, unmated she-wolf like Tess.

A twig snapped behind her and heavy sounding footsteps approached. Spinning around She became face to face with three scraggly looking wolves. Oh great more rouges, Tess thought to herself. She could tell by the way their bones jutted out from underneath their skin and the poor condition their fur was in.

The largest of the three, that stood of to the left, snarled viscously at Tess, foam dripping from his rotting yellow teeth. He was making it clear to Tess that they were hear to fight. The strange wolves took a few steps towards her and she growled defensively but they kept inching closer. Finally Tess had enough of this and lashed out clawing the the largest rouge in the face. She somehow had managed to latch onto his jelly like eye and pulled, tearing his eye from its cozy socket.

                All she saw was red, her malicious wolf instincts taking control over her body, but it was an unfair fight. Just as she was about to finish the large rouge the other two pinned her to the ground. Trying her hardest to escape their grip only made them tighten the hold. Seeing the large rouge plugs his teeth towards her vulnerable threat she closed her eyes waiting for the pain.

                 It never came. Opening her eyes with confusion Tess saw that all three rouge's bodies lay dead on the ground. Above them stood a large grey wolf, blood dripping from his muzzle. Soon three smaller wolves joined him and began to surround Tess. Panic filled Tess's mind. What are they doing? Why are they circling me? This can't be good. They're going to torture me! Tess began to shake with fear and frantically searched for an exit, but couldn't find one. Tess was stuck.

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