Chapter Eleven

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Tess sat on her ass looking at her cuts and scars, the bruises that were beginning to darken and the blood caked to her skin. What stood out the most was the word Rouge etched into her skin and the brand R. She traced the R of the brand lightly seeing as it was still fresh.

Remembering she had company she snapped her head in the direction of Hayden and Josh who were sprawled out on the ground then to the stranger, the really good smelling stranger. Tess! Tess! Oh my goddess! Do you know who that is! We found him! He's here! He's ours! Damn he's hot. No he's sexy, I can't wait to have his dic.... a voice in Tess's head said before she interrupted. 'Astra where have you been? You haven't spoken to me since Hayden first took us. What are you ranting about?' Tess asked her Wolf confused. Tess you really are stupid you know? Astra snapped. 'Woah there! Way to be harsh. You don't gotta be bitchy about it, ya horny wolf.' Tess argued with herself. Mate. That was all Tess got out of her wolf.

          Tess's eyes widen in realization, that's why he smelt so good. Looking up her eyes connected with the mans locking into his. She couldn't look away no matter how hard she tried it was like she was frozen. The man was just the opposite he slowly approached with a small smirk on his face, stalking towards her like his prey. So much power behind his strong, sturdy legs that supported a very broad chest and built arms.

Beautiful sun kissed skin complemented his pink lips and those beautiful eyes. His streaked blonde hair adorned his head completing the man like a crown of sunshine. His smile made Tess melt where she stood.

             She gazed upon an angle. He chuckled deeply a rich sound filling her ears like music, "Hello gorgeous," he said grabbing her hand and kissing it then helping her to her feet. His touch made her feel so safe but so anxious at the same time, sparks flying from his skin to hers like magnets. "I'm Tanner, mate. What's yours beautiful?" He asked with an angelic smile. Tess was in a daze looking at him, "Umm, uh.... oh I-I'm Tess." She answered awkwardly. He came closer closing his arms around her smaller frame holding her, but before he got the chance Tess winced and stumbled to the ground again. She'd been running on adrenaline and it'd just run out leaving her weak.

Tanner's eyes raked over her body taking in all of her, the cuts, scars bruises and blood. He growled very loudly and clenched his fists with anger and disgust. Tess was a little scared, He must not want me. He's going to reject me because I'm not pretty. I'm a mess. I'm weak. He deserves someone better. Tess thought to herself. She started shaking a little.

"T-tanner you should reject me now, please. Don't make it drawn out that's all I ask." She lowers her head ready for his rejection. Another growl rips through his deep voice, she waited a little while with tears in her eyes. A warm hand cups her chin, raising her head up to meet those glorious eyes. "Baby girl, why do you think I'm rejecting you?" He asked concerned. "B-because I'm a mess, you know it that's why you are so disgusted by me." She replied. He smiled at her, "Darlin', I wasn't disgusted by you. You are beautiful, perfect. I was just so mad because of what those men did to you." He answered wiping a tear away with his rough calloused hands.

           He picked Tess up off the floor and onto her feet. They were very close now, he looked down to her lips quickly but then back to her eyes. She bit her lip unconsciously, drawing more attention to her mouth. They leaned in slowly, almost brushing lips the two got closer.

         "CONDOMS!! USE CONDOMS!! Don't get cuddies." A loud voice interrupted the two making them jerk away from each other, their faces both blushing fiercely. Lexi was still strapped to the wall watching the two with an evil smirk on her face. "Stranger danger Tess. You know better," she scowled like a mother, "Hey Tess get me down from here, please." She whined. Tess laughed at her friends outburst and went to go help her friend but she was stuck securely in the hood of Tanner.

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