Chapter Ten

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       Hi! I haven't posted for a little while so here's and extra long chapter, hope you guys like it!
Tess's POV

          With the help of Lexi, Tess had healed a lot. Apparently Lexi had spent a lot of time with the Pack Doctor when she was still apart of the pack. Lexi had learned how to dress wounds, set bones, and how to make homemade medicines. This was lucky for Tess because her ankle had fractured. Tess could now stand up by herself and lift all objects in the cottage. Most of her cuts were healed up, her bruises weren't as yellow and green instead they were only an array of dark purples trailing from her legs all the way up to her black eye.

           The one problem for her body was that she would be covered in scars for the rest of her life. Alpha Hayden had used silver and wolfsbane when he was whiling her and cutting her skin open, those wounds would never completely heal. In the very back of Tess's mind they were battle scars showing her struggle and self punishment of what she blamed herself for. In her mind she deserved them.

           Tess was all better maybe not visually because of her wounds but she was in no pain and had no disruptions in her regular day life. Tess had began to teach Lexi effective hunting techniques because Lexi was totally lost.

           The two were in a clearing behind the cottage, "Alright Lexi, you need to learn to fight. So throw a punch at me, let's see what you can do." Tess instructed. Lexi shifted uncomfortably, "But Tess, I don't know how to fight, females aren't allowed to fight. What if someone finds out?" Tess almost rolled her eyes at her friends fear, but instead tried to encourage her, "Lexi, no one is going to find out. This is whats wrong with your pack, they are too old fashioned. Don't get me wrong I love tradition, but this is something everyone should no how to do. The pack warriors aren't always going to be there to protect you, especially now because you're a rouge. You are alone. Yeah maybe no one has found you yet but once someone does that wishes to harm you, they will slaughter you. You NEED to learn this."  Tess explained. "Okay, if you think I need to, then I guess I have to," Lexi said before taking a step and trying to punch Tess in the face. Luckily Tess had her guard up catching Lexi's hand before it touched her face and twisting it around Lexi's back in a tight hold.

         "Ow, ow, ow, okay I give Tess, I give," Lexi whimpered in pain. Tess released her hold on Lexi's awkwardly bent arm then said, "That was lesson number one, always be on guard. You never no who your attacker will be and when they will strike." She turned to Lexi, "Lesson number two, never underestimate your opponent, always assume that they are stronger than you are, use your brain to think your way through the fight before acting." Tess picked up an old shirt and ripped four small pieces of cloth up. She threw two to Lexi and wrapped the  other two securely around her knuckles, "Let's see what your made of, we're going to spar, I'll take it easy on you. The only rule is to take the other person down without killing them, okay?" Lexi nodded her head before putting her hands up to protect her face.

        Tess put her hands up in a similar way, knees bent, posture straight, observing her opponent before striking. She sent a lazy punch towards Lexi's chest not putting any real force behind it to see what would happen. Lexi blocked the punch with her forearm throwing Tess's arm off course. "Good, Lexi, but you left you guard down after that block," she said before throwing another punch connecting with Lexi's body, causing Lexi to fall to the ground. They continued sparring for about forty-five minutes before calling it quits.

       The third day of Tess's visit was a eventful one. "Lexi, Thank you for all of the help. I don't think I would have made it without you, but I have to go." Tess told her friend. "But why? You have no other place to go?" Lexi asked. "I know, but I can't let Alpha Hayden rule for any longer, if someone else gets hurt like you did I could never forgive myself. I know he's your brother Lex, but I'm going to fight him." Tess declares, leaving an awkward silence between the two before Lexi spoke, "He's no brother of mine, yes we might have been when we were younger but that's not the Hayden I loved anymore. That is a monster who needs to be caged. If you are going Tess, well then by god I'm coming with you, that bastard is going to pay for his crimes." Lexi finished with an angry glint in her eyes.

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