Chapter Eight

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Picture of Lexi^
    Hey guys this chapter is going to switch povs and settings in the story so please bare with me and sorry if it's confusing.
Tess POV
"He's your what?" Tess nearly shouted throughout the small cottage. "H-he's my brother," Lexi sputtered out, "I'm so, so sorry for what he's done. I'm ashamed of being family with him let alone from the same pack." She admitted. Tess could see Lexi's brake down approaching and embraced her new found friend in a hug, "Shhh, Lexi you don't need to apologize it's not your fault. Don't cry, your stronger than this. Don't let him be the cause of your precious tears, he's not worth them." Tess cooed as she slowly rubbed her friend's back.

           "He wasn't always like this you know. Hayden was the best big brother a girl could ask for. Everyday after school, when I was little, Hayden would give me piggyback rides home because my little legs would be too tired to walk all the way home. He would come to my rescue on the playground when ever the other kids teased me and pushed me down. Hayden would beat the other kids up and help me to my feet to see if I was okay, then he would wipe my tears and say 'keep a stiff upper lip, don't let them see you cry, your my tough little butterfly'." Lexi explained to Tess.

             "But everything changed once he started training for his alpha title at 13 years old. He would go away to Alpha School and I wouldn't see him for months at a time. My knight in shining armor was gone. The other kids took advantage of that and beat me even more. Hayden began to grow distant to me. Only talking to me when it was necessary. He acted as if he was so much more important than me. I became invisible, a nobody. Then the worst thing happened. I first shifted when I was 17 and not long after that Hayden took the Alpha title, making Josh the Beta. T-Then Josh asked Hayden to marry me. Hayden saw me as a reward to his Beta for his loyalty. I was a trophy, not a person, not a pack member, but an object. I refused to marry Josh and made scene of it in front of the entire pack. So Hayden banished me, made me a rouge. And now here I am." Lexi finished.

Tess was saddened at what her friend revealed to her, but then her world famous temper made an appearance. Tess cheeks heated from her anger as her fists clenched, turning her knuckles white. "We are going to get that bastard back for all of the pain he has caused us." Tess declared. "But how, he's an alpha? He has a pack to protect him. We are just rouges and we are alone." Lexi asked. "I'm not quite sure yet. We'll have to come up with a plan first to even get into the pack, let alone what we will do to him." Tess said.

Hayden's POV
It had been a day since he'd told his warriors to dump the filthy she-wolf out near the rouge camp. He hoped the rouge would burn in hell when she was done here on this earth. The foul creatures disgusted him to a point that he almost wanted to hurl his guts out.

The worst part of the rouge he'd caught was that he'd been reminded of someone by her. Someone that he wanted to erase from his mind forever. His sister, Lexi. The evil, conniving wannabe. Traitor. Hayden had given her everything she could have ever wanted. Even a very fine husband, her mate. He remembered it clearly now.

Lexi had just exited their shared home. Hayden called her over to speak with Josh and her. Josh had recently told Hayden that Lexi was his mate and asked for her hand in marriage. Hayden was thrilled by the news and wanted to tell Lexi immediately. "Lexi I have a surprise for you," Hayden told her, "Your going to marry Josh! Isn't that great?" Lexi's face paled considerably but went unnoticed by the two males. "W-what?" She stuttered, "No this has to be a mistake I'm not marrying him! He will never be my husband." She shouted and all eyes turned to her, the entire pack tuned in to watch the commotion. "Are you disobeying a direct order from your Alpha, pup?" Hayden angrily growled. "Yes it is Mr. Alpha. I am NOT marrying that scum," she said as she pointed to Hayden's best friend, "Do you know what he'll do with me? What he has done to other she-wolves of this pack? He'll beat me and abuse me! Or do you even care Mr. Alpha? You are a horrible brother and Alpha!" She screamed. Hayden's anger overcame him. She was disrespecting him in front of the pack, questioning his rule as Alpha. She had everything and was going to reject his Beta. His own flesh and blood betraying him. This couldn't go unpunished. "If you question my authority then you are no longer a part of this pack. You are hereby BANISHED from the Ironclad Pack lands and if you ever return I will personally kill you myself." Hayden declared with his Alpha voice dominating his speech. Little did he know that Josh's intentions were true to what Lexi said and he lied to Hayden about Lexi being his mate. That didn't stop Hayden though. Lexi's eyes filled up with tears and shock at her brothers betrayal, but ran off into the forest trying to get the hell away from the monster of an Alpha.
Flashback Over

Hayden was pulled from his thoughts when his Beta busted through the door of his office, panic written across his face. "T-they're back. The rouges they're here and they have far larger numbers than last time. They mean to wipe us out." He said.

Unknown's POV
The untouched pack lands of the Ironclad Pack lay before him and his army of rouges. With the help of the Witch Doctor Zohar they were unstoppable. He was going to lead a revolution. To wipe out pack life for good. "Remember," he told his army, "Use the darts that Zohar created to take down the enemy. Death is too good for them, they deserve to suffer," he said grinning like the Cheshire Cat himself, "Ghost squadron you head for the warriors' quarters. Joker squadron head for the pack house with Shadow squadron. Lastly, Jackal squadron, you're with me, we head to the Alpha's house to take down these bastards. Once we are finished burn their land to the ground. Leave no one untouched or else our mission will be a failure." He declared with a smirk on his face. He could taste his victory already. "ATTACK!!" He sounded the cry to battle.

Hey guys Merry (late) Christmas! Or happy holidays to the rest. Thanks for reading as always. Hopefully it wasn't too confusing. Don't forget to like and comment. Oh and if anyone has ideas for a name for the unknown character I'm open to suggestions. I'm looking for something tough and masculine to go with his character.
Thanks Guys!

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