A New Life

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Miranda's pov

Moving. We're moving?! I can't freaking believe it! But then I think about the bullying. It will stop when we move! I mean southern boys and girls should be nicer than the yankees! Right? I hope so. I take my time packing my stuff anyway. I'm scared. I hate starting over. "One more day of school then we leave for Georgia. At least I can tell Ashley I'm leaving." I whisper to myself folding a shirt. Just as I say that Ashley runs in my room in tears. I throw my arms around her. "I don't want to move." I say, crying. "Well how about instead of going to school, we ditch and hang out." I bite my lip. "I don't know Ash. I've never gotten in trouble before." "It won't matter. You're leaving." "But won't they be calling my parents?" She sighs. "Come on Mir, don't be such a goody two shoes." "I don't think I can, Ash, I'm sorry."

*the next day*

I can hear my classmates calling me goody two shoes and junk. I clench my fists. I hate being considered a goody two shoes. I roll my eyes and lay my head exhausted on my desk.


I get home and mom and dad were loading boxes into the moving truck. "I don't want to move!" I yell, running upstairs, crying into my hands since my bed's already loaded up. "Come on, sweetheart, you'll have a good time." "No I won't. I wanna stay here with Ashley!" Dad hugs me and we go to his car.

*several hours later*

We pull up at our new house, dust kicking up with the wind. Ugh this place is so dry. I already don't like this place but now thinking about it... I can start over here. No one knows about my goody two shoesness. I can be a new person! I can change.... Everything.

*the next day*

Jason's pov

The door to the school slams open. I look over, flicking a cigarette in the trash. A girl with black hair and a confident strut stands there. "Hm, who's the new girl?" I mutter leaning against the lockers. Everyone is staring at her so I avert my stare.

Miranda's pov

Everyone's eyes are on me. I try not to let it freak me out. I put on my best confident look and walk down the hallway, stopping beside a googly eyed boy. "Ya mind showing me where the main office is? I need to get the schedule to the classes I won't go to." "I-I-I w-would l-love to." I smile.


This new badass personality is awesome. Guys are falling at my feet, girls wanna be me. I'm rocking. Although I miss Ashley, I'm having a lot more fun ruling the school instead of being bullied. "I know what you're doing." I squeal in surprise and spin around. I lean against the wall and put on a fake smile. "What's up, cutie?" I say, twirling my hair on my finger. He chuckles softly. "You're not as crazy nutso as you pretend to be." I hide my surprise. "Oh and how do you think you know me so damn well!" I gasp, putting my hands on my hips. He catches me off guard by slamming me against the lockers, my breathing coming out fast in fear. "Because little girl, you're starin' death in the face right now." "What?" I choke out shakily. "You're lookin' at the local badboy of this school so I recommend you take that cute little ass of yours and go back to where ya came from." I shove his hands off me. "How dare you threaten me?" I shout. He laughs. "You aren't a bad girl! I can see right through you." I roll my eyes. "Screw you." I snap, walking away from him. Damn. Local badboy. He may be a problem.

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