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Miranda's pov

I nervously and fearfully sit in class. What if he tells? Why does he want me to admit it so badly? I was talking to Ashley on the phone and she was telling me to be myself. "And let that guy win, no way!" I gasp. "Who ya talkin' to hot stuff?" A guy says, leaning against the lockers beside me. I pretend to not be afraid. "What's it to ya, pretty boy?" I say. He smiles. "I think I like you." He says, reaching for my shirt. I back up. "Hands off. Only a few get to see this beauty." He laughs. "Playin' hard ball, huh?" "Yo Daryl, back off man, unless ya want the wrong end of a gun up your ass. She's with me." My breath catches. His hand rests on my shoulder. "Oh not surprised. The bad boy hooks up with the bad girl." No he's not! "Get lost, fucker." He growls. The boy runs away. "Th-Thanks." "No problem." He starts to walk away. "Wait!" I call. "What?" "Ya wanna cone by the house today after school?" He turns back around. "Hm I don't know. You aren't too busy breaking shins and bloodying your knuckles?" My face gets hot. He walks over before I can react he has me pressed against the lockers, his cigarette stench breath in my face. "How do you know so much about me?" "Cause I've been where you've been before." He says. "I thought you're the local bad boy. Why are you helping me?" He smiles. "Who says I'm trying to help you?" He grabs my chest and kisses me hard. I scream inwardly, putting my hands on his. "W-What are you doing?" "Givin' you a taste of the real American badass." He whispers, kissing me harder and holding me tighter. I try to get away but can't. "Stop. Please." I whimper. "Why?" "Because I said so." "Don't ya want me?" I shake my head quickly. "Why not?" "Because I'm not like you!" I yell, shoving him back. He looks stunned. I run off, tears rushing down my cheeks. I run into the broom closet and cry into my hands. The door opens seconds later. "I knew you weren't the whole time. That doesn't mean-" "I'm a virgin." I blurt out, instantly regretting it. "Oh. Wow... Well I uh I knew you were a goody two shoes but I didn't know you were that goody two shoes!" "Don't call me that! I'm trying to change that!" I say, turning around. He flicks on the light. "Why? Why do you wanna change yourself?" "Because!" I yell. "I don't even know! All my life I've been bullied and taunted and called a good girl and ya know what! I took the moving as an opportunity! An opportunity to be someone better! Someone cool! Someone people would like!" He looks super serious. I thought he was gonna say something but he pulled me into another kiss. "Don't change for anyone. Never change who you are." I stare up at him, all these emotions running through me that I can't name. "W-Why?" "Because there's a lot of bad girl wanna bes but there's only one Yankee girl named Miranda Brown." "J-Jason, w-what's wrong with me?" He holds me in his arms. "Ain't nothin' wrong with you, baby." He says, kissing me again.

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