Another Man

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Miranda's pov

Mom hasn't let me out of her sight since I got back. I remember him saying there were people watching my mom. People from Jason's gang. Protecting her from the bad guys. Is he still doing that? I'm so scared. What if he hates me now and they can get to me?! I cry into my hands and my mom hugs me. "What happened? Who took you?" "I don't want to talk about it!" I say, running to the bathroom and slamming the door. I look at the cut on my cheek that's most likely gonna scar over. I'm permanently scarred. I walk to my room, shaking and worried. There's a letter on my bed. I pick it up confused and open it. "My dearest Miranda, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. You'll never have to see me again. I'll keep the gang business far away from here. You'll never get hurt again, my angel. I'm sorry. I love you. Love Jason." "Never see him again?" I whisper shakily. I don't want to never see him again!! I break down in tears and my mom runs in. I hide the note and we cry together.

*a few months later*

Mom has made me go to therapy to talk. They want to find out what happened. But there's no way I'd give Jason up. I miss him so much. I know he's still watching me. Making sure I'm okay. But I just want to see him again. Hug him. Kiss him. I want him to tell me everything will be alright. I'm waiting for mom to pick me up from therapy. It's a waste of time and money though.  I'm never gonna tell them. During my pondering, I ran smack into someone. "Whoops sorry wasn't paying attention." "It's fine. It wasn't your fault." He says, dusting himself off. He helps me up. "I'm James, what's your name?" "Miranda." I say nervously. Is Jason watching me now? Would he be jealous?! Maybe I want him to be! I want him to come get me! I miss him so much. "Hey ya need a lift?" I don't know this guy well enough yet. What if he's actually one of the enemies Jason warned me about. I'll say a public place. He can't do anything there. "Why don't we go get smoothies?" I say. He smiles. "Sure sounds fun. Where?" "I'll drive." He tosses me the keys. "I call shotgun!" I laugh softly. "You better!" I climb in the car and he gets in the passenger. I drive to a diner and we order a smoothie to share. "I... I... Miranda, I feel like... We've got a connection. I don't know how to describe it but.... I feel instantly connected to you." Aww he's got a crush on me! How cute. "I mean... I barely even know you.... But... I feel like I've known you forever." I can't help but smile. Jason's never said anything sweet like that to me. "Oh James, how sweet." I say, holding his hand. My heart is pounding out of my chest. Wait... Do I feel the same?!

Jason's pov

Pure unstoppable fury pounds through me. I punch my truck window and the glass shatters. My assistant Andrew wraps my hand in bandages. "Can you believe this?!" "It isn't her fault. You let her go! What do you expect? She'd be waiting? This isn't Romeo and Juliet." I glare at him. "Shut it." "We did what we came to do. We made sure he wasn't part of Tom's gang. Let's go." "I can't." "Why not?!" I don't reply. I watch them through a pair of binoculars. They're holding hands. I can't help it. I'm very territorial of my girl! And she is my girl! I clench my fists in fury when he sits beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "We should get you home. Your mom is probably worried." "Nah I texted her a second ago that I was hanging with a friend." Friend my ass. He wants to move in on her! "In fact she's probably glad I'm out like this... I... I've got a confession to make." Huh? What's she gonna say? "Mom made me go to that stupid therapy shit because she wants to find out who took me. I won't tell who because.... Well he means the world to me.... I just.... I don't think he cares about me anymore. He made it pretty clear when he returned me home." Fuck! That's not true!!! She starts to cry. "Who was it?" The guy asks. "My ex boyfriend. But he was mixed up in some dangerous stuff I didn't wanna be a part of. I thought.... He'd still come over and see me. I didn't think he was done with me!" She cries into him and I slump in my seat. Ex  boyfriend?! That isn't true! I'm staying away because it's dangerous! I'm staying away because I thought she wanted me to! I fight back the tears. They leave the diner and he helps her in his car. "Ya wanna go back to my place and watch movies." "Sure." She says wiping her eyes. It's over. I've lost her. I've lost her to another man.

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