First Date

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Miranda's pov

I'm pacing and scared and not knowing what's about to happen. But I dressed in my calmest clothes. "Why do I crave his kisses? I want him to kiss me so badly. Like I'll die if he doesn't." Ashley grabs my arms to make me stop walking. "I know you hate to admit it but you have feelings for this badboy Miranda." "I think I do." I whisper shocked. I hear my doorbell and shriek in surprise! "I'm not ready!" I squeal.

Jason's pov

Her friend opens the door. "She's still getting ready." I shake my head with a smile. "City girls." "What do ya mean?" "Nothin'." I walk upstairs and open the door. "Hey girl, you there?" "Didn't Ash tell you I wasn't ready!" She says, putting her shoes on. "By now you oughta know I don't give a damn what folks say." I say, sitting on her bed. Damn this bed is soft. Comfortable. I'd love to get tangled up with her in these sheets. "Hey babe when's your parents comin' home?" "They're gone all week at a seminar. Why?" Score. "No reason." She raises an eyebrow. "What are you up to?" "Have you ever been to a bar?" "No." "Then let's go."

Miranda's pov

The bar?! Is he crazy?! "I'm only 17! I'm not old enough to drink!" He laughs. "Girl you think I care!" Hr grabs my wrist, a knot forming in my stomach. I fight back the urge to vomit and go with him. I wave to Ashley and we drive to a bar. He lights a cigarette and orders a couple beers. "So Jay, what's beer taste like?" He smirks and uncaps it. "Try it and find out." I'm nervous. "It isn't gonna make me sick is it?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Take it slow, baby." I take a small sip and the bitterness sets me off. "Nope. Hate it." I order a coke and down the whole can. "Damn." He gasps wide eyed. "What?" I burp and blush unbelievably red. "Jeez." I mumble, looking away. He sets his beer down. "What's going on?" He was looking at the door. "Babe here's where your acting skills come in handy." I turn around. "Oh shit!" It's Jeremy. The guy I hung out with and got his number in the hallway. He waves. I put on my coolest charm look and lean against the bar. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Oh you know me. Being all badass and illegal." Jason laughs behind me. I spin on him annoyed. "What ya laughin' at wiseass!" Jeremy backs up wide eyed. "We uh we still up for studying this weekend?" I nod and he goes to play pool. Jason grabs my shoulder, spinning me back around. "Studying this weekend?!" "What?!" Igasp confused. "You don't know shit do ya girl? Studying," He uses quotes on studying. "Means sex, dear." "What?! No I'm not having sex with him!" "The look on that guy's face says otherwise!" He says, pointing behind himself at Jeremy. "I'm not going to." "If you don't he's gonna find out. And I doubt he'll be as cool as me when be can't get you in bed!" Shit! "I don't wanna have sex with him! What do I do?!" "Your little study date is about to be canceled." He punched a hand into his fist. "You're not gonna hurt him are you?" I cry panicked. He smirks. "I won't hurt him..... Much." "Jason, don't!" "I gotta." I grab his arm. He grabs both my arms, lifts me off the ground, and kisses me hard. He drops me to the ground after the kiss. I sit up, propping myself up on my elbows. He stares down at me menacingly. "Nobody and I mean nobody is getting in bed with my woman but me." I do t want to have sex with Jason either.... At least not yet. He stomps over there and clocks Jeremy in the face. Man, what'd I get myself into?! This guy is violent! He walks back over and pulls me up. "Let's go." "W-Where are we going?" He smiles. "Your place." I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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