Epilogue 28

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The gathered crowd stands in silence as the car makes it way through the camp. Anna has a hard time keeping the tears from falling as the car stops before the castle. She and the other occupants make their way to the former area of the Aelven court.

Each participant makes their way to the correct location for the ceremony. The former world court judge receiving dagger looks at being there. There is a low angry murmur he now is taking the brunt for his former colleagues decisions. That he himself went against what all the others said and declared her innocent didn't matter.

The final two take their place. Anna manages to pull a smile out. "This is a day of celebration, frankly one I never thought to see. My cousin, General Grey has found someone that can see through the past and find the man and love him. And an even greater miracle he loves her although she's half Aelven.

"This day I formally welcome my formerly unknown cousin to the family. Now Grey take Ari's hands..." Anna says as she continues the marriage ceremony.

In short order Grey and Ari are married. Grey kisses her before scooping her up and swinging her around in joy. This action stuns the crowd as Grey has never been so carefree before.

Taren makes his way over to Anna and whispers, "When will it be our turn?"

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