Chapter 1

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With a stunning jolt, the she-cat's eyes snapped open. She was frozen from a fear from which she could not source. Trembling and too afraid to move, the cat scanned her surroundings. A massive cave closed her in, a hole in the top of the cave sent cold moonbeams down her spine and a mystical stone three tail-lengths high towered in front of her.

She had no idea where she was, or how she had arrived there.

A strange feeling overcame her as if she had just woken from a terrible nightmare, but she couldn't remember any of it. In fact, the she-cat was now unable to remember anything before that moment; she couldn't remember who she was, where she was, or any other moment in her memory.

The cat relaxed a bit, taking a moment to try to jog her memory. Surely it couldn't be gone forever. She tried to think back to what had happened before her awakening, however, all she could remember was the cold sense of terror and fear in her sleep.

Suddenly, a new feeling washed over her. The feeling of being watched.

Her fur bristled and she scanned the cave once again. This time, she caught a pair of bright amber eyes staring into hers. They glowed like fire in the misty darkness of the cave. With another jolt of fear, the she-cat leaped to her feet.

The amber eyes followed the she-cat as she bolted out of the tunnel of the cave in fear. The tunnel led to an opening of the cave, to which she eagerly made her way through. She emerged from the hole to find sloping hills and rocks, dotted by the reflections of the nighttime stars.

She turned her head over her shoulder to find that the cat to which the amber eyes had belonged to had not pursued her. She let out a breath of relief.

Now wondering what would become of her, the she-cat's eyes searched the nearby terrain for somewhere to make camp on her own. If she couldn't remember what had happened in her life before, she would make a new life, to live and hunt on her own.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a lean body rubbed up against her own.

She stumbled back in fear to find that the cat with the amber eyes had indeed followed her and didn't seem to hold back signs of affection. In surprise, the she-cat pawed the ground, trying to get a grip on the rocky surface but ended up tripping over her tail and falling clumsily on the ground.

The cat with the amber eyes let out a mrrow of laughter. Her white fur with the brown spots glimmered in the starlight, and the she-cat without memory finally noticed the other feline's intense beauty. She stared blankly at the cat who had followed her, searching for any memories she might have had of this strange white cat.

Finally, the white cat with the amber eyes spoke, "You don't have to be afraid, Ashleaf-I-I mean, Ashstar!" Her amber eyes sparkled, "Oh, it's going to be simply amazing to call you by your new name!"

The cat, Ashstar, as she was called, continued to stare suspiciously at this white cat. Who was she, and how did she know her name? Ashstar, the cat thought again, trying to remember more, but failing all the while, I can't even remember being called Ashstar.

Finally, the white cat seemed to realize that there was something not quite right. "Ashstar," She mewed in a quieter, concerned voice, "Is something wrong?"

Ashstar did not reply. She gulped down all words that she could possibly speak, out of a fear she could not explain.

"Ashstar," The white cat repeated, more firmly this time, "Why are you not speaking?"

The terrified she-cat shook her head slowly.

"What in StarClan has gotten into you?" The white cat squinted, fur bristling. Suddenly, her amber eyes widened. "Was the ritual interrupted?" She asked in horror. Ashstar still kept silent. "Did you receive your nine lives? Did you get your name? May I even call you Ashstar?!" The white cat demanded.

Struck by confusion and fear, Ashstar searched her mind for anything that had to do with nine lives and the name, Ashstar. Nothing came to her. Finally, she found her voice.

"I don't know," She murmured quietly.

The white cat let out a bewildered hiss. "What do you mean, you don't know?!" She wailed, "What happened during the ritual?! Did you speak with StarClan? What happened at the Moonstone?!"

Ashstar trembled, searching for the right words. "I mean, I don't remember," She mumbled, "I don't remember anything. About these nine lives, about where I am, about who you are," She paused after her voice cracked, "Who I am."

"I don't remember anything," She concluded, "Please, can you help me?"

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