Chapter 13

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Above: Art by the talented FerntailOfSilverClan!! (Isn't it pretty?)

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Above: Art by the talented FerntailOfSilverClan!! (Isn't it pretty?)

"It appears we're the first ones to this Gathering," observed Mudfoot, Ashleaf's deputy, as StormClan halted at the peak of the hill. 

Ashleaf nodded in agreement. "Indeed," She replied softly. Her fur almost stood on end with foreboding. 

Before her was a large clearing, an expanse of flat plains, golden fronds of grass dancing ominously in the pale glow of the full moon. Four large elm trees stood in the center. A dilapidated tree trunk lay parallel to them, tendrils of ivy slithering its way up the bark. 

"It'll be an interesting one, likewise," murmured Snowsong adjacent to her, "Hawkstar's going to have an earful."

Assuming Hawkstar was the leader of this mysterious StoneClan, Ashleaf turned to her deputy and medicine cat. Ashleaf hoped the cats she had chosen to attend the Gathering would be sufficient in the eyes of the other two Clans. She had chosen Snowsong and Mudfoot, of course, being the closest cats to her. Sunpaw and Mousepaw had come along, as well as Pantherstep, Lilyblossom, and Pineneedle, Ashleaf's mother. 

Spotflower, a queen in the nursery, had insisted she attend. Ashleaf had tried to protest, but Spotflower had already convinced Ferneye to watch after her kit, Oakkit. Ashleaf had reluctantly submitted to the queen's demands, besides, who wants to argue with a queen? In addition, the elders Scarpelt and Mistyfur had tagged along. 

Ten cats Ashleaf had chosen. Please let it be adequate, she pleaded to StarClan. 

"StormClan, advance," She yowled to her Clanmates. The ten cats poured into the clearing. Snowsong stuck close to Ashleaf, meeting her shoulder to shoulder, while Mudfoot and Lilyblossom followed not far behind.

"This is Fourtrees. You're going to go sit up on that tree trunk in the middle with Rosestar and Hawkstar." She signaled with her tail to the old fallen tree. "Mudfoot and the deputies," She continued, "Brightcloud and Snakescale, will sit below. The warriors and apprentices will fill the clearing. I'll be perched on that old tree stump over there, with the medicine cats, of course."

As she paced her way to the old tree trunk, Ashleaf asked, "Who are the medicine cats?"

"That would be Silenttooth, his apprentice, Featherpaw, and Rabbithop with her apprentice, Shinepaw." Snowsong mewed in reply.

"Ah," the leader nodded in comprehension, "Snowsong, I'm really nervous-"

She was cut off by a sharp yowl from Lilyblossom, "StoneClan has arrived! Every cat to their places!"

A jolt of alarm shot through Ashleaf's pelt. Paws scrabbling on the log, Ashleaf struggled to leap up onto the stump. She ignored the amused snorts of laughter behind her, clearly from Mudfoot and Snowsong. 

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