Chapter 15

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"Ashstar!" The tiny gray kit squealed obnoxiously one morning, "Lionkit won't give me back my moss ball!"

Ashleaf shifted in the silver light of dawn. Stretching her tawny-colored paws in front of her, she yawned widely. She'd been up all night and could scarcely stay awake. "Lionkit, quit stealing Robinkit's things." She then rolled over onto her side again, slowly blinking her olive-green eyes shut.

However, she snapped them open when a tiny weight dropped onto her back and little paws trampled her ears. "Never!" A high-pitched mewl caused her to cringe. "It's mine, all mine!" Sighing, Ashleaf rotated once more and Lionkit landed on the dry earth with a thump. "Ouch." He muttered.

I just love watching kits. Ashleaf thought sarcastically, groaning inwardly. She was certain she'd never in all her seasons desire to take on the tiresome responsibility of a queen. How they did this all day was beyond her. 

Spotflower and Ferneye, StormClan's two queens, had insisted on leaving the nursery the evening before to go hunting together.

"We need some time away from the nursery. I've been here for moons!" Spotflower had pleaded.

"Just one night, Ashstar. You are the best with keeping them occupied. We'll be back just after dawn." Ferneye had begged, her emerald eyes sparkling imploringly. 

"And besides, you're the only cat in camp we trust," Spotflower added.

"Alright," she had forced herself to mew at last, "I'll watch your kits tonight." And though she had conceded to give the queens a night to themselves, by the next sunrise, she still couldn't remember why she had agreed to the task in the first place!

Perhaps it's because I knew Snowsong would have my ears clawed if I had not! She purred to herself as she pictured the medicine cat having a hissy fit if she had discovered Ashleaf neglected her Clanmates.

In the two moons since the kits had been born, Ferneye's three kits went from innocent little bundles of fur to miniature foxes. Screaming, arguing, causing mischief from the moment they stepped out of their nest, all while hobbling around on their tiny stumpy paws.

Lionkit, gifted with his late father's appearance, shared none of the same personality traits. Wisetail had been soft-spoken, kind, and, hence his name, wise. Lionkit, on the other paw, was loud, overbearing, selfish, and egotistical. Not to mention downright annoying, She reflected.

His sister, Robinkit, the one Ashleaf named, was perpetually getting into trouble. She was sharp and inquisitive but had a habit of doing the opposite of what she was told. Slightly rebellious would be the correct words to describe her. 

While Lionkit and Robinkit clearly inherited their mother's disposition, only Dustykit seemed to retain his father's. Being the smallest, frailest kit, he was often picked on by his siblings. The two larger kits often fought for dominance, while tiny Dustykit didn't even try. He was much more interested in playing on his own, creating small structures from sticks and leaf litter. Occasionally the kit would make something worthwhile, like moss ball with a small surprise (a sharp stone) for his brother to sit on. It was amusing to see the intelligent young kit make these things, and Ashleaf knew a certain kit who'd grow up to be a den builder.

Another kit, one Ashleaf hadn't heard much from all night padded up to her, ripping her from her thoughts. "Ashstar, I don't know how much more I can take of this!" The brown speckled tom-kit plopped down next to her with an exasperated huff. 

"What on StarClan are you mewling about?" Ashleaf asked. Oakkit had seemed perfectly content all night.

"Those kits! They're so annoying, I want to rip out my fur!" Oakkit moaned. 

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