Chapter 14

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Head held high and jaws clamped shut, Ashleaf paced into camp. The Gathering had been a total bust, in her eyes at least. She had remained silent for the trek home. However, remaining mute wasn't much of an issue when no cat dared speak to her after her outburst.

The StormClan party dispersed the moment they reached home. Once out of sight, Ashleaf rushed to the Highrock and ducked into the lichen that guarded her den. She needed time to think, alone.

Breaths growing shallower and panicking, she curled up in the farthest confines of her den. The bewildered leader shut her green eyes, attempting to block out the swarming thoughts clouding her mind.

What just happened? 

Why did Snowsong call off the Gathering? She was just getting to a point! Ashleaf was trying to reveal the evil that resided in the Clans, to try and put matters right, to be the bearer of peace to the Clans. Yet, they dismiss her and claim her to be the evil one. How dare they accuse her of framing? 

A miserable whimper escaped Ashleaf's throat. In all the time since she had awoken at the Moonstone, all she had seen were battles, conflict, fury, loss, and confusion. That was all she had ever known. Why couldn't matters be as simple as living in harmony? 

How did I get caught in all of this madness? She wondered. Her thoughts flashed back to the night she woke at the Moonstone.

The rush was less of memories and more of feelings. Emotions. The cold, alarming fear that was with her as she snapped her eyes open through the darkness. The fight or flight impulse she received when she saw Snowsong's glowing eyes, and how she had chosen flight. 

She recalled the sense of confusion when she couldn't grasp anything that occurred before waking. The shock of Snowsong's sudden appearance. And finally, the satisfaction and comfort of when Snowsong assured her she would have a place in StormClan.

If only the comfort had lasted.

From the moment the two cats had set off, it had been nothing but torture for her. These cats, supposedly her friends and family were never at peace!

Reminiscing a bit deeper now, Ashleaf remembered the moments before Snowsong had arrived. She had gazed out into the terrain below. Planning to make a new life, on my own, She recalled. What would have happened, if she had fled? If she had not gone with Snowsong, with StormClan, what would have become of her? 

The distressed leader continued questioning herself. Would I have survived as a rogue? A kittypet? A loner? Where would I have gone if I had not so quickly accepted Snowsong? How would-

"Ashstar?" a soft mumble arose from the entrance to her den, snapping her out of her deep contemplation. Ashleaf glanced up, blinking her troubling thoughts away.

Two she-cats stood in the entrance to the den, the lichen draping over their shoulders. It was her deputy, Mudfoot, and the warrior, Lilyblossom. These cats, along with Snowsong, were supposedly Ashleaf's closest friends before her memory was taken. 

Mudfoot stepped forward with a heavy step of her large, chestnut-brown paws. Her amber eyes were filled to the brim with concern. Lilyblossom adjacent to her looked similarly. However, the long-furred gray she-cat's eyes, Ashleaf could tell, were more guarded than Mudfoot's. It seemed as if there were something she was afraid of. Like something was troubling her.

What's wrong with- Ashleaf stopped herself. No. It's not my issue. Let her resolve it herself. Frankly, she was tired of this. Exhausted of trying to solve other cat's problems. Sick of feeling obliged to every cat's need. 

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