Chapter 7

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Without her memory of fighting techniques, as the four cats rushed into battle, Ashleaf had no idea what to do. She decided to follow Darkstorm, Pantherstep, and Sunpaw. Once she got to the battle, however, she would decide if she wanted to stay.

After running for a reasonable amount of time, Ashleaf began to pick up unfamiliar scents. They smelt...almost like Sunheart from MeadowClan, the cat she had met at the border, but yet different in their own way.

It's the scent of MeadowClan, Ashleaf thought, wondering why she hadn't thought of that in the first place.

The four cats jumped through the grass into another patch of dry earth. Ashleaf hissed in disbelief as she saw an assortment of cats, fiercely attacking one another. A jolt of fear shot up her spine. As her comrades raced into the quarrel, Ashleaf stayed behind, frozen with fear. 

She watched as her Clan attacked the MeadowClan cats. While she lay in the grass behind, StormClan fought against MeadowClan, blood splattering the dry dirt, hisses and yowls piercing the air, and flurries of fur and tail ferociously tangled together in war.

What is happening? Ashleaf thought in horror, Innocent cats are dying for no reason! Why are we fighting? What could be so serious that we have to turn on one another? 

Ashleaf caught Mudfoot, her new deputy, on top of a spitting, dark red she-cat. The losing cat was hissing and thrashing wildly, trying to escape Mudfoot's deadly grasp. However, on the other side of the battle, Wisetail and Redear, two brothers, were surrounded by a mass of MeadowClan cats. 

More cats arrived at the MeadowClan border, ready to attack. 

Ashleaf's heart sunk as she realized that they were outnumbered greatly. She knew that she could not go out and fight. She would be killed quicker than she had been made enemies with Pantherstep.

Horrified, she watched as a small golden tabby tom ripped the fur from the face of one of Ashleaf's younger apprentices, Mousepaw. It formed a gash upon the white she-cat's face, and Mousepaw wailed in agony. 

We're losing, Ashleaf thought.

Suddenly, Snowsong appeared behind her. "Oh my StarClan," Snowsong whispered, dropping herbs at her feet, "Again? Rosestar's brought more warriors this time, too." 

Ashleaf whipped around abruptly, fear-scent flooding the air. "Snowsong, what do I do?" She mewed fearfully, "I don't know how to fight! I can't help!" 

The medicine cat glared at the tabby she-cat and blinked her eyes slowly. When they reopened, they hit Ashleaf with a fierceness that struck Ashleaf like a badger's claw. "Get back to camp," Snowsong hissed under her breath, "I'll cover for you, but make absolutely certain no cat sees you. I'll be back after the battle, but I can't promise every cat will make it out. Now, go!" She hissed. 

Heart pounding, the tabby darted away into the grass, away from the heat of the battle. Piercing yowls and caterwauls rise from behind her. As she neared camp, she slowed her pace, suddenly feeling guilty. She was leaving her entire Clan behind her to suffer the consequences of fighting. Despite the fact that she was following medicine cat orders, she just couldn't leave StormClan behind.

Ashleaf turned tail and dashed back to the MeadowClan border as fast as she could. The wind blew through her pale fur, leaving an exhilarating feeling in her bones. When she could sense the MeadowClan battle, she poked her nose through the grasses to watch the battle. If she couldn't fight, she would observe the fighting. 

It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her as she caught sight of the bloody scene. StormClan was in worse condition than it had been when she had left.

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