Chapter 8

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An eerie silence followed Pantherstep's approach. Ashleaf soundlessly rose to her paws, fear churning in her belly. The darkness of the coming evening cast shadows on the medicine den, making the black tom's malignant stare ever so more frightening. 

After what seemed like a moon, Pantherstep spoke, "Loudpaw," He hissed menacingly, so low it was almost a whisper, "Doesn't she mean anything to you?"

Ashleaf's mew seemed to be muted. She parted her jaw, but not a word came out. Instead, she backed away slowly, her tail thrashing and her teeth bared defensively.

A low growl escaped Pantherstep's throat, "You know, I don't understand you, Ashstar. One sunrise, you're the bravest, most loyal warrior StormClan had ever seen. The next you're a ruthless traitor."

Ashleaf froze, her veins turning to ice. "Y-you dare call me a traitor? You're the one who openly defied me only a few sunrises ago," She stared at him with shock, fury, and sheer disbelief.

"I saw you at the battle. I brought you there for StarClan's sake! You deliberately refused to fight! Why wouldn't you fight against MeadowClan?!" The black warrior spat, jaws frothing, "Obviously, our leader's had some sort of association with MeadowClan that forced you not to fight!"

Ashleaf felt her jaw drop. "No, Pantherstep, that is not at all what happened!" She gasped, her green eyes widening.

The black tom's eyes still glittered with rage, "Oh?" He growled, "Then what happened?"

StarClan help me! Ashleaf thought. What could she say? She obviously couldn't tell him the truth. Snowsong had assured her of that. But what could she tell this suspicious warrior? 

"Well?" He hissed.

"I-I can't tell you," She croaked at last.

Pantherstep reared up, his fur bristling. "I knew it!" He spat, "Traitor!" Pantherstep leaned back on his haunches and prepared to spring. He leaped up, claws unsheathed, and Ashleaf darted out of the way, bewildered.

Ashleaf gasped for breath. "Please, Pantherstep, stop," She choked out between heaves, "Stop this, immediately."

"No," He snarled, crouching down to pounce again, "I hate you!" He leaped once again towards his leader and Ashleaf dodged the blow by only a whisker. 

"Why?" Ashleaf cried in anguish.

Pantherstep froze.  "Why?  Have you forgotten all the times you've tormented me as a kit? You're cold and ruthless and horrible! You should have never been deputy, much less leader! You've done everything you possibly could to make my life miserable! You let my apprentice off without punishment! You broke my best friend's heart! Now, you're betraying the Clan! The real question is, why hasn't StormClan seen how big of a fox-heart you are?!"

The harsh words hit Ashleaf with a blow harder than a monster on the Thunderpath could ever give. Her mind wrapped around what Pantherstep had said. She had bullied him as kits? Why had she been so cruel to him? Is that why he was so hostile towards her? A wave of guilt washed over her. It appeared that before she lost her memory, she was a heartless, belligerent, arrogant, and cruel warrior. 

But she wasn't like that now, and nothing would ever be the same again.

"Pantherstep," She whispered, dipping her head in submissive shame, "I'm...s-sorry!"

Pantherstep's eyes widened incredulously in surprise and horror, "Sorry? You? No. I don't believe it for a heartbeat!" 

"Please," She whimpered imploringly, "I'm not a traitor. I swear."

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