Chapter 6

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Ashleaf recited, trying to keep her voice steady. Even though Snowsong had given her precise instructions on how to perform the upcoming ceremony, she still had doubts that she could actually pull it off.

Cats began slipping from their dens. First came Lilyblossom and Pantherstep, and then was followed by two of the apprentices. A few toms that Ashleaf had neglected to meet strode out from a parting in the grass.

Spotflower and Ferneye, the queens, exited the bramble shelter with Oakkit. Mudfoot followed them, eyes filled with hope and excitement. Pineneedle came alone, expression stern and fierce. Snowsong arrived last.

Ashleaf took a sharp intake of breath. The cat she was about to choose would be her second in command, the one besides Snowsong that would be closest to her. She just hoped she was making the right choice.

In the back of her mind, the tabby leader wondered if her new deputy would figure out her secret. This cat would be the closest to her, so it would be conspicuous to this cat that Ashleaf had lost her memory.

StarClan, please, Ashleaf begged, Help me do this correctly.

Ashleaf summoned up the courage to begin speaking again. "The time has come to appoint a new deputy," She announced, watching the staring faces of the Clan cats below her. She closed her eyes, trying to remember closely the words Snowsong had directed her to say. "I say these words before StarClan, that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve of my choice."

She paused to take in the gazes sent to her by her Clan. Snowsong was waiting patiently, a slight glimmer of anxiety in her amber eyes. Lilyblossom was watching from the back of the crowd with an expression filled with a mix of apprehension, and for some reason, suspicion. Pantherstep had never lost his perpetual sneer and was still glaring at Ashleaf coldly. The rest of the Clan was just silently waiting with empty eyes.

"The new deputy of StormClan," Ashleaf mewed, closing her eyes and waiting for a reaction, "Will be Mudfoot."

A dead silence followed.

In the crowd of cats, Mudfoot sat, her green eyes sparkling with surprise and awe. Slowly, the cats in the crowd parted to make a path for Mudfoot to the Highrock. Mudfoot walked slowly up to Ashleaf, almost shaking with shock.

"T-thank you, Ashstar," Mudfoot mewed, "I-I never expected this, but I will do my b-best to serve StormClan."

According to what Snowsong had said, the cats were then supposed to chant the new deputy's name. However, much to Ashleaf's surprise, not one cat began to chant for Mudfoot. They simply stared in shock and disbelief. 

One by one, cats began to walk back to their dens. A feeling of dread crawled up Ashleaf's spine. Had she done something wrong? Was there something undesirable about Mudfoot? Why was her Clan reacting like this?

Mudfoot sat solemnly next to Ashleaf on the Highrock. Ashleaf opened her mouth to speak, but before she could do so, Mudfoot spoke. 

"I knew they wouldn't cheer for me. They never do. But thank you again, Ashstar. It will be an honor to serve you." The young she-cat dipped her head and then proceeded to walk down the Highrock. 

After Mudfoot had exited, only two cats remained. Lilyblossom and Pantherstep. Both cats stared at Ashleaf with a disapproving eye. Hurt and anger seared in Lilyblossom's gaze, while Pantherstep sat close to Lilyblossom, his lips trapped in a snarl.

Ashleaf was still shocked from the whole event, so she decided to pay it no mind. She walked back to her den, as the sun was setting below the horizon. She flopped down and let sleep carry her away.

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