Chapter 4

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"Remember," Snowsong hissed in her ear as Ashleaf pulled back the grass of the entrance to the camp, "Stay strong. Act like the leader you are."

Ashleaf's green eyes widened at the sight of the camp. Beautiful, strong, cats were scattered along the plain, sharing tongues and gossiping with one another. Under a wall of brambles, two queens and a young kit sat sharing a rabbit. Young apprentices play-fought with one another in the center of camp. A lean, small, black cat with brown spots sat silently, guarding a pile of what seemed to be a pile of prey.

The leader marveled at this Clan that was supposedly hers. "This," Ashleaf sighed, "This is where I come from?"

Snowsong nodded, purring a bit. "They're all waiting for you," She mewed, "But remember, don't give away anything. If anyone asks, say you are not supposed to speak of it."

In turn, Ashleaf nodded. Taking a deep breath, the tabby stepped into the clearing. Immediately, she caught the attention of a pale brown she-cat, dotted with dark brown splotches. "Ashstar!" She meowed joyfully.

"Hello," Ashleaf mewed simply.

"I missed you so much, even though it was only a night," The warrior giggled, greeting her with a lick behind her ear. Ashleaf tensed up in unfamiliarity but then reminded herself that this warrior must have been close to her in her past life. 

"Yes, me too," sighed Ashleaf, shooting her medicine cat a look. Snowsong replied with an expression of amusement, enjoying Ashleaf being introduced to the brown warrior. 

"Did you get your nine lives?" A voice surprised Ashleaf from behind. 

Ashleaf whipped around to see another warrior, slightly smaller than the brown one, but still beautiful. She was pale gray, with fur longer than she had ever seen, and eyes as green as a lily. 

The tabby leader gulped. "I'm not supposed to speak of the ceremony," She recited.

"You're no fun," The gray cat giggled, brushing up against Ashleaf's back. Ashleaf shivered. The gray cat looked up at Ashleaf in confusion. "Ashstar, are you alright? I mean, I know you're leader now, but not much has changed, well, besides the fact that you're kind of officially in charge of us, but I mean, you always have been sort of in charge of us, even as kits, but back to what I was saying, all the time we spent together is still there! We're still Ashleaf, Lilyblossom, Mudfoot, and Snowsong! We've always been together since kithood and apprenticeship! Well, except that you're leader now and Snowsong's medicine cat, but it's all still the same!" She jabbered.

Noticing Ashleaf's empty stare, the gray cat sighed, green eyes losing a bit of their sparkle. "Am I talking too much? Sorry, Ashstar. I'll go-"

"No, no," Ashleaf interrupted, "It's okay. I'm...going to speak with Snowsong." She noticed that the medicine cat had been staring at her. Snowsong motioned with her tail for Ashleaf to come. Ashleaf trotted over. "How did I do?" She whispered in her ear.

"Could have been better," replied Snowsong, "Lilyblossom's already suspicious, and we've hardly even been here for long!"

"Sorry," Ashleaf muttered, "What was she talking about, though? She says that her, you, I, and some other cat named Mudfoot have always been together. Who is Mudfoot? What does she mean by that?"

"We've always been best friends," was the reply from the white cat, "We were born around the same time, apprenticed at the same time, and made warriors on the same day. Oh, it just breaks my heart that you don't remember our friendships," Snowsong looked down at the messy dirt below. "Also, Mudfoot is the brown cat you met earlier."

"Oh," The tabby sighed, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry. I wish I could remember."

Snowsong looked up. She motioned with her tail to the nursery, where the two queens and the little kit lay. "You should check in on the nursery." She mewed, "Ferneye, Spotflower, and Oakkit should be grateful to see you. Just..." Snowsong closed her eyes, "Try to act subtly this time."

"I will," Ashleaf reassured and began walking toward the wall of brambles.

Upon entrance, she was greeted by a small brown tom with red ears and brown spots, similar to his mother, which Ashleaf assumed to be Spotflower. 

"Ashleaf! You're back!" Oakkit mewed, but then backed away slowly, "I'm sorry. I meant Ashstar." He tucked his tail between his legs, catching Ashleaf by surprise. Was this kit scared of her?

"It's okay," Ashleaf replied with a purr, seeming to catch the kit by surprise as well, "I'm going to take a while to get used to my new name as well." She wondered how on StarClan a statement could be truer than it.

"It's good to see you, Ashstar," A soft voice spoke from the corner, "I'm hoping that the ritual went well. You will be a noble leader for StormClan."

Ashleaf turned to see a pale gray cat, similar to Lilyblossom she had seen earlier, lying in a corner, belly swollen with kits. That must be Ferneye, Ashleaf thought. "Thank you, Ferneye," She mewed, hoping she had the name right. "It appears your kits are almost here." She observed.

"Yes," Ferneye confirmed, "I should have them within five days."

"That's wonderful. StormClan needs apprentices." Ashleaf tried to sound like a convincing leader, thinking about what Snowsong what have said in that situation. She strode out of the den, towards Snowsong, who was now in a den of her own.

"Hello, Snowsong." The leader said.

Snowsong, who was sorting what appeared to be herbs into different places, replied, "If you keep stalking your medicine cat around," She purred teasingly, "Cats are going to suspect that there's something wrong."

"I'm terrible at this," Groaning, Ashleaf flopped onto the ground. "I'll never make a good leader."

"Sure you will. You just have to try," The white cat, amber eyes focused on her herbs, gasped suddenly. "Oh! Ashleaf! I forgot to tell you. You need to select a deputy before sunfall."

"What's a deputy?" Ashleaf groaned, feeling dread slither up her tail and into her body. What horrible responsibility would she be pressed with this time?

"A deputy is second in command. There are certain standards, but first I would just like you to find some options. Come back to me later and we can discuss it. But first, you need to get to know the Clan. Socialize a bit. But remember-"

"I know, I know," Ashleaf chuckled as she began to walk out of the den. "Act like a leader!"

The leader poked her head out of the lichen covering Snowsong's den. This Clan was beautiful, she wouldn't doubt that. She just had to figure out how to run it. 

Who needs memory? She thought to herself, not believing at the same time that she had even thought something like that, As long as...what was the name.... She struggled to remember the name, and suddenly it came to her. StarClan.

Who needs memory? As long as StarClan is with me, I will be a great leader.

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