Chapter 17

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If Ashleaf hadn't known better, she would have placed the charge on Rosestar for the pandemonium let loose in her camp. However, her instincts took over and proved otherwise. 

She identified the stench in a heartbeat.


Ashleaf had never seen one face-to-face. But she'd scented them, on prior border patrols. A trail here. A trail there. They never once disrupted StormClan's delicate paradigm. Until, however, Ashleaf awoke to hear the wretched beasts tearing apart her Clanmates.

The tabby shot up from her nest immediately. She craned her ears around in an attempt to source the yelping. 

She was then able to discern two distinct caterwauls, one belonging to her brother and the other...was that Oakpaw?

The apprentice den! The coyotes are in the apprentice's den! Alarm and fear propelled Ashleaf out of her den. Her first instinct mandated her to launch herself into the massacre to drive off the coyotes, but then she recalled her lack of fighting skills. She'd have to find some other cat to fight.

Now in the clearing in the center of the StormClan camp, Ashleaf could see it clearly, despite the midnight darkness. Three small coyotes, fur matted and filthy, were circling the apprentices' den. Low growls filled the air. Even from the distance, the prominent ribs on the coyotes' emaciated bodies told Ashleaf that these dogs were ravenous. Oakpaw and Sunpaw would be their first meal in days. 

No! Ashleaf darted off to Snowsong's den. Snowsong must be able to do something. 

She nearly rammed into Mousepaw, who had spent the night in Snowsong's den. "Ashstar!" gasped her younger sister, who had just run from the entrance from the den. Mousepaw had clearly heard the commotion, judging by her frantic, wide eyes. "What do I do?!"

"Go wake the warriors! Go!" As Mousepaw darted off to the warriors' den, Ashleaf made her way into the one belonging to Snowsong. 

Snowsong was curled up in the corner of her den in a feathery nest. Her chest was slowly rising and falling and she seemed to be perfectly content in her dreams. Mousepaw didn't rouse her?! Ashleaf thought in bewilderment.

"Snowsong!" hissed Ashleaf, prodding her in the side. "Snowsong, get up!"

The white and brown medicine cat rolled over onto her side, exposing her belly. In a sloth-like manner, she stretched her paws out in front of her. "Ashleaf, can't you at least wait 'till sunrise? I'm just about to lick this raccoon..."

"You what!?" Ashleaf scoffed, deeply confounded. She resolved against pondering her friend's mental state. "Snowsong, wake up, now! There are coyotes attacking the camp and I haven't the slightest clue what to do!"

"Come again?" Snowsong groggily blinked open her amber eyes. She met Ashleaf's gaze. 

She hissed in exasperation. "StarClan, Snowsong! Coyotes are going after the apprentices!"

Snowsong leaped to her paws. "Well, then go-! Oh." She swore underneath her breath and her stumpy tail twitched irritably and anxiously. "Um...I hope the warriors will be able to manage this. Ashleaf, don't be spotted by anyone. Hide somewhere beyond camp. Camouflage yourself to the best of your ability. We can't have another MeadowClan battle. I'll take it from here. Protect yourself, Ashleaf."

This time, Ashleaf did not hesitate. She exited the den, drowning out the agonizing screeches of her Clanmates. She longed to stay, but she knew it would have dire consequences. 

Ashleaf ran through the parched grasses of the StormClan fields. Her head spun and she gasped for breath, running so swiftly black spots began to materialize at the edges of her vision. Am I really that unfit? I've only been running for a few moments...

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