Chapter 16

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It was a little after dawn when Ashleaf discerned the grunting of Pantherstep in the distance, full of contempt and impatience towards his apprentice. "Sunpaw, if you and Mousepaw could get off of your lazy tails and demonstrate the leap-and-hold battle technique to Oakpaw, I'd really appreciate it."

Ashleaf ceased her hunting mission. It wasn't as if she'd catch anything. She could spare a few mice that were bound to escape her claws anyways. Besides, perhaps she could soak in a few bits of information by eavesdropping on the lesson.

She padded silently over and peered through the golden fronds of grass. The tall strands obstructed her large, bulky shape from the cats in the Great Clearing.

In the large, sandy training hollow sat the bitter black-and-brown tom, along with the trio of apprentices, Sunpaw, Mousepaw, and the newly apprenticed Oakpaw. Mudfoot and Redear, Mousepaw and Oakpaw's mentors, also lingered nearby. Pantherstep's control over the session was quite conspicuous.

Chubby Sunpaw dragged his way into the center of the Great Clearing, Mousepaw trailing shyly behind. With a sigh, he plopped down into the sand and the dry particles rose up in a puff around him. The golden tom licked his paw nonchalantly. "Okay, so, um, the leap-and-hold thing is the, um, move where, uh, Mousepaw, the smaller fighter, jumps on my back." He then stopped, clearly assuming that was all he was wanted to explain. 

Pantherstep and Oakpaw glared at him expectantly. After a few moments of silence, Mudfoot spoke up. "Well, er, Sunpaw, would you care to explain why the smaller opponent would use this move in battle? What are the benefits?"

Sunpaw narrowed his eyes. Then, with an exaggerated sigh, he continued. "It's so Mousepaw doesn't feel so useless when she's fighting me."

"Hey!" Mousepaw scoffed, the white fur along her neck bristling. "That's not fair!"

Pantherstep leapt to his feet. "Sunpaw! That is not the way to be talking about your sister! Show some respect!" He then smacked his paw, claws sheathed,  across his apprentice's muzzle.

Sunpaw flinched. "Great StarClan, I was only joking-"

"That was a very cruel joke, Sunpaw," mewed the soft, fluid voice of Lilyblossom, who had silently approached behind Pantherstep. "Your littermate's size is nothing to mock. If anything, your size is the one to be ashamed of." She flicked her fluffy gray tail towards Sunpaw's enlarged belly, which jutted out on the left side on the tom.

Ashleaf suppressed a snort of laughter. Sometimes, she could swear her brother was fatter than a badger in greenleaf.

The golden tabby tom flicked his odd red ears in embarrassment. "I really like the fish from the pond, okay? Don't get your tails in a knot."

Pantherstep let out a low growl. "Enough of this. Since Sunpaw's clearly too indolent to bother about the leap-and-hold technique, Lilyblossom and I will demonstrate." He flashed a glare at the long-furred she-cat, who padded forward. 

It suddenly to Ashleaf that Lilyblossom had no reason to attend the training session. Sunpaw, Mousepaw, and Oakpaw's mentors were Pantherstep, Mudfoot, and Redear. Who had invited her to come? Had any cat invited her to come? If so, why?

Then, something else dawned on her. Lilyblossom had been Loudpaw's mentor. 

Ashleaf's heart wrenched as she was reminded once again of her lost little sister. StarClan, please, keep her safe in your paws. Loudpaw was such an optimistic, independent, jubilant cat. She prayed that Rosestar wasn't mistreating her in MeadowClan. 


Hatred bubbled in her stomach. How does StarClan allow such a conceited, fake, venomous fox-heart to live? Why? What could possibly possess a cat like Rosestar to be so...terrible? The notion that Rosestar was foretold to save the three Clans stung Ashleaf even worse. 

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