Chapter 5

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Andy's P.O.V
I went back home where everyone was waiting by the door. "How did it go!" Ashley sprung up from the couch which he was laying on. "It was fine! She liked the chocolates." I said. I told them how the date went in detail. Jake clicked his tongue. "You should have hugged her. I wouldn't have been THAT awkward." We all laughed at that. Jake was the most awkward in the group, so that was an insult. "Well, you did good.. for an amateur." Ashley winked and patted his back. "Well, we'll be going now." Jinxx said as they exited my house. "Oh and try not to daydream as much!" CC added as he closed the door. I flopped on the couch and fell asleep. Hey, falling in love takes energy!
Hayley's P.O.V.
School is getting really bad. Even the professors are out to get me. The 1,000 word essay I turned in apparently 'wasn't in enough detail' and I got a C! A C!!!! And tomorrow I have a giant test! At least I still have something to look forward to. Andy's daily phone calls. I walked into my house only to see it in a total mess. The couch was flipped over, and the pillows' stuffing was thrown across the room. The shower's rack was thrown in the kitchen, and all of my medication was mixed together in the sink. The bedroom's mattress was against the walls, and all of my band poster were torn. On the back of a Black Veil Brides poster, a familiar writing read:
Well, I guess you need to clean up a lot of things. Especially your life. -XOXO Velinda
I threw down the poster, and ran out of the house in tears.
I ran. I ran in no particular direction, but my feet knew where I needed to go. I ended up in front of Andy's house. I knocked on the door. Hopefully he's home. The door opened, and I ran into the arms of a surprised Andy. "Hayley?" Andy asked. I let go of him, and into the kitchen. Andy chuckled. "Did you just come here for food?" Andy asked with an amused grin. "No." I said as I looked through his fridge and cabinets. I soon found what I was looking for. I held up a bottle of liquor and opened it. I chugged down the contents. Andy raised his eyebrow at me. I began to cry. Andy embraced me. "Why are you crying? You just drank liquor, you should be more than happy." Andy said. Everything began to feel fuzzy and weird. I didn't even know what I was saying. "Velinda tore up my house, everything is in ruins." I sobbed. "There, there." Andy soothed as he stroked my hair. I fell to the floor in a drunken stupor. I sobbed and curled up into a ball. Andy kneeled on the floor with me. He put me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I tensed up, but relaxed. This was the thing Josh would have done. I then fell asleep in the arms of my idol, as he rocked me back and forth in an effort to comfort me.
Andy's P.O.V
I was watching T.V. when the doorbell rang. I was a little cranky because whoever it was knew that it was my favorite show. I opened the door, only to be run into by a very disgruntled Hayley. "Hayley?" I asked. She let go of me, and started to search through the fridge. She only came here for food? "Did you're just come here for food?" I asked letting a smile spread on my face. "No." Hayley answered as she held up a bottle of liquor. Hayley began to chug all of the liquor down. I raised my eyebrow in surprise. Hayley wasn't going to share?!! She began to cry. I hugged her, "Why are you crying? You just drank a bottle of liquor, you should be more than happy." I joked. "Velinda tore up my house, everything is in ruins." Hayley hiccuped. Velinda? That's the girl who has been torturing Hayley? "There, there." I attempted to soothe Hayley. She fell to my knees and curled up in a fetal position. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, rocking back and forth, trying to comfort her. She tensed up, but relaxed. What is up with that? Hayley is holding more secrets than I think she is holding. Hayley drifted off to a peaceful sleep. Wait, Hayley has class tomorrow. I need to take her home. I pick up Hayley and carry her to my car and drive her home. I carry her into her house, which she left wide open. Bad Hayley, someone could have stolen your stuff! I set her into a chair as I set the mattress right. Man, she's a heavy sleeper. Or maybe she is just drunk. I tuck her into bed, softly kissing her forehead. Hayley smiles a drunken smile. I stare at her sleeping. I need to make Hayley smile more, that gap is so cute. I leave her house, locking it with some keys I found on the table. After I lock it, I throw it through a window (that's open of course). I head back home, daydreaming about a smiling Hayley.

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