Chapter 9

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Hayley's P.O.V.
Their eyes followed me. Every single class I went to. Their eyes were watching me. Everybody had heard about what I did to Velinda/Sophie. When I got home, I opened my sock drawer. I only looked in here when I really needed it. A picture lay underneath all of my socks. A picture of Josh...smiling. Before I caused him pain. He had hacked my phone and taken this picture. When he left, I printed the picture and kept it. The tears fell in time with the raindrops outside, and I clutched the picture to my chest. The doorbell rang. Josh!! Has my knight in shining armor come for me??! I ran to the door and opened it, only to be swept off my feet in a embrace. I pushed the man away, to look at his face. His blue eyes colored with concern. My heart and soul filled with rage. "What are you doing here Andy!!" "Hayley I- " "Get out!!" "Go to Sophie's house if you want to get out of the rain." "Hayley just listen!" Andy stood in the doorframe, his blue ocean eyes about to flood, so full of pain. "Hayley, I made a mistake!" He caressed my cheek, wiping my tears. His eyes, his face, it made me want to almost fall for him again. No. He doesn't like you. All he wants to do is hurt you. Just like Josh. I slammed the door in his face. I watched him trudge back to his car through the window. What is his problem??!! Does he not remember what happened yesterday??!!
Andy's P.O.V.
I think I've played Hayley long enough. Man, that girl is certainly strong. I still can't get over her expression when she saw Sophie. Her eyes looked so betrayed, but as if she had seen betrayal too many times. I feel so guilty. I paced around my house, thinking what I should do. I should go over and apologize. The raindrops pelted the windshield of my car as I drove to Hayley's house. I ran up the sidewalk. I rang the doorbell. I heard Hayley running. As soon as she opened the door, I held her frail body to my chest. She pulled away. As soon as she saw my face, her perfect face, full of tear tracks that were already there, became one of rage. "What are you doing her Andy!!" She tried to push me out. "Hayley I-" "Get out!!" "Go to Sophie's house if you want to get out of the rain." This sentence hit me like a ton of bricks. She had believed it. I don't want Sophie! I want a girl by the name Hayley Williams! "Hayley just listen!" I protested. I stood in the doorframe. My eyes filled with tears, I can't explain to her, how much I feel for her. "Hayley, I made a mistake!" With the back of my hand I traced the track of the tear, seeing how much pain I had caused her. Her eyes glazed over, and she shut the door in my face. Karma. I walked slowly to my car, tears falling in time with the rain.
Hayley's P.O.V.
I slid my back against the door, the door I had just opened to Andy. This man confuses me. I need someone to talk to. Ashley. I grabbed the phone and dialed his number. "Hello?" "Ashley I need advice." "About what?" "Andy." I heard a sigh. "He came to my house, pleading for forgiveness. What should I do? He hurt me yesterday." I heard silence. "Andy isn't the smartest guy, ya know. He was trying to get back at you. For kissing me. He went waaaay over the line though. " "What should I do???!!" "I honestly have no clue."

~The next day~

Hayley's P.O.V.
The test results came in!!! I aced it!! I should get hungover more often!! I was so happy that when my phone rang after school I answered too cheerfully. "Hello!" " Hayley." I heard Andy's voice say. I quickly hung up the phone, my mood now turning sour. The phone rang again. "What." "Hayley, let me explain." " Andy, an explanation won't undo what you did to me." I heard silence through the phone. "I love you." " I think you got the wrong person. You got Hayley on the phone." "Hayley! I'm sorry! I made a mistake!" "I can't trust you anymore." I hung up the phone again. I drove home, to find a bottle on my doorstep. I picked up the bottle and examined it, a bottle of liquor. On the bottle a note was attached to it. It read:

Thought this might help, figuring things out. -Ashley

How thoughtful. It was the weekend, so I guess it was okay to drink, to drown out the pain. I went inside my house and played our demo CD. I popped open the bottle and took a gulp. I slid against the wall, and drank away all of my sorrows. Hearing Josh's voice, remembering what he did, made me take them out, even though I swore to him I would never do it again. The slice of skin, the blood, it made me feel better. The liquor drowned out the pain, mentally and physically. I heard a doorbell. I struggled to get up, but the liquor wouldn't let me. I heard someone come through the window. I slid back against the wall. "Hayley?!" Andy emerged out of the dark house, and knelt beside me. "Andy." I slurred. I hugged him. The blood from my arms got on his shirt. "Hayley, what are you doing to yourself?!" He looked at my arm in horror. "What does it look like I'm doing?" A tear slid down Andy's cheek. "Hayley, why are you doing this to yourself? Is this because of me?" Andy held me in his arms, crying. "Andy, baby, don't cry." I touch his face, and turn it to look at me. "You know I love you." "Do you? Do you really? All I've ever given you is pain." "No, Andy you haven't." He grabbed my arm and kissed my scars. "Don't do this again, Hayley. Promise?" Andy stuck out his pinky. "Pinky swear." Andy got up and tried to help me up. I drunkenly leaned on his shoulder. "Hayley, what music is playing?" Andy looked around for the CD player. "Oh, yeah. That's the demo my band made. It's my jam!" I try to dance, but obviously looked ridiculous doing it, because Andy was trying not to laugh at my fail dancing. "You sing really good. Almost as good as me." Andy flipped his hair. "Yeah right! I sing way better than you!" I try to meet his height by standing on my tiptoes. I poke at his chest. "Well.... why don't we have a singing duel?" Andy looked into my eyes. "Don't let me win, but I'm pretty sure I can beat you!" I grin. "Okay, why don't we do one of my songs?" "Which one?" Andy took out his phone, and scrolled through all of his albums. "In the End." He turned off his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. "I'm, totally going to beat you!" Andy turned off the CD player. He played In the End from his phone. A familiar tune flooded the room. "I'll go first." Andy offered
In the end, as we fade into the night, who will tell the story of your life?

The Only Exception: An Andy Biersack + Hayley Williams fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now