Chapter 7

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Hayley's P.O.V.
As soon as I got home, I ran into the bedroom. I needed to hear his voice. I pulled the demo cd our band recorded and popped it into the CD player. I cried. I heard his voice in the background. Josh's voice, so reassuring. I relived the moments we had together. He was the only reason I lived.
Andy's P.O.V.
I got home, and tried to run to my room. I was hounded by Ashley, Jake, Jinxx , and CC at the front door. "Dude where the heck were you??!!" CC yelled. I ran through the group to my room. I locked it, and slid down the wall. "Andy!! Open the door!!" Ashley screamed, trying to kick open the door. "Just leave him alone." Jake responded. Ashley stopped, and they waited at the door, expecting omit to be open. After 20 minutes, they just left. Nobody cares about me. I fell asleep in that position. I didn't daydream.
Hayley's P.O.V.
The university's wall were covered in neon colored posters. I picked one up and read it. A fundraiser dance to raise money to get more books for the library. Great, I can take J- I dropped the poster without another thought.
Andy's P.O.V.
I woke up with a new attitude this morning. I am not taking no for an answer. Hayley should feel lucky, no fangirl ever had this oppurtunity. I know what I will do with this stubborn, flame-headed girl. I called Ashley up. "Yo, do you want to go to the club tonight?" I asked. "Sure, I call Jinxx , Jake, and CC." Ashley agreed. "I'm going to bring Hayley, too." I added. "Oh, yeah I wanted to ask.. What happened yesterday?" Ashley asked curiously. "Nothing. It was nothing." I said, hanging up the phone. I called Hayley. "Hello?" Hayley asked. "Hayley, do you want to go to the club with me and the band?" I asked. "Josh? Josh you don't know what you put me though. How can you do this to me?!! Josh I-" Hayley screamed. "Hayley... It's Andy." I said quietly. Who was this mysterious Josh? What did he do to my beloved? "Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I'll go." Hayley answered quietly. "I'll pick you up in an hour." I said. I hung up. I got ready and the band showed up. "Hey we got to go pick Hayley up." I said as I put on my leather jacket. We piled into Jake's black Tahoe and I drove to Hayley's house. She came out in a black cotton dress with a belt and fishnets. Wow, she looked so beautiful. She climbed into the passenger seat. "Hi, Andy." Hayley smiled. "Hayley, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is Jake. Jake, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is CC. CC, this is Hayley. Hayley, this is Jinxx. Jinxx, this is Hayley." I made the introductions and Hayley shook everyone's hand. I drove to the club, and we got in with no trouble. Ashley and I used to come here all the time. The dance floor was full of people, but the bar was practically empty. The band, Hayley, and I sat in the barstools. I ordered Hayley some liquor. Hayley took a sip of the liquor. "Have you been to a club before?" I asked over the loud music. Hayley's green eyes got hazy. "Um.. Yeah." She took a gulp of the liquor. "Hey, Andy!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Sandra. "Sandra!!!" I hugged her, which was hard because she was so short. "Hey little brother." She went to go greet the rest of the band. Sandra was our old drummer during We Stitched These Wounds. Hayley sat alone at the barstools, playing with the hem of her dress. "Ash, go talk to Hayley. She looks lonely, and we need to catch up with Sandra." I say. "Sure." Ashley sits next to Hayley and they start talking. "Sandra, why don't we go talk somewhere it's quiet." I lead Sandra and the rest of the band to a small corner with couches. "So, Sandra... How's it going?" I ask. "Things are going good, lil bro." Sandra, the rest of the band, and I engage in a conversation about our tours and how the band has been. I look over to where Hayley and Ashley had been sitting. Their chairs were empty. "Excuse me." I get up from the couch and go into the dance floor. "Hayley! Ashley! Where are you??!!" I push through people, and look for a head of orange hair, which was only a few feet away. "Hayley!!" I push through more people. I find Hayley alright. I found Hayley's lips on Ashley's. "Ashley! Hayley!" Ashley turns and notices my stricken face. Hayley pulls away from him. "Andy!" Hayley runs into my arms and kisses me. I pull her away and pick her up onto my back. "Andy!! No!! Don't take me away from Josh!! Josh!! No!!" Hayley screamed as I carried her away from the club. "Andy, you know I love you, right??" Hayley whispered. She rested her head on my shoulder. I shrugged her off. I couldn't look at her right now. I took her home, and tucked her into the guest bed. She fell asleep easily. I locked myself in the bathroom, and cried. Hayley's P.O.V.
My phone rang as soon as I got out of school. "Hello?" I asked. "Hayley, do you want to go to the club with me and the band?" I heard someone say. Josh. Josh. Josh. I clutch the phone in my hand. After all this time, he decides to show up. Josh? Josh, you don't know what you have put me through. How can you do this to me?!! Josh I-" I screamed. "Hayley... It's Andy." I heard Andy whisper quietly. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I'll go." I answered, a tear escaped my eye. Josh used to take me and the band to clubs all the time. Andy said he would pick me up in an hour and hung up. I quickly changed when I got home into something club material. A black short cotton dress with a belt. And just for the heck of it, I'll wear my fishnets. By the time I finished, I heard a honk. I tumbled out of the door, and into a black Tahoe. "Hi, Andy." I grinned. Andy made the introductions and I shook my idols' hands. Andy drove to the club and we got in easily. The band found some spots at the bar, and I sat next to Andy. Andy ordered me liquor and asked me if I had been to a club before. Flashbacks of Josh and the rest of the band flooded my eyes."Um.. Yeah." I drank the liquor Andy got me. Maybe alcohol can drown out the pain. "Hey, Andy!" I look up from my drink to se Sandra Alvargena coming our way. Andy and the rest of the band got up and started to talk. I felt so awkward. I started to play with my dress, when I felt someone sit next to me. Ashley leaned against the bar and asked for another liquor. I hadn't noticed I finished it. "So you're the girl who drank all the liquor." Ashley said playfully. I blushed. "I don't usually drink, but sometimes people change." I responded. I took a swig out of the glass of liquor. "You look like you enjoy liquor." Ashley noted. "Do you want to dance?" Ashley asked. " I don't know... It looks pretty crowded over there." I doubted. "C'mon it'll be fun." Ashley grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor, with my liquor still in my hand. I felt the music course through my veins, and I felt my body start to move along with it. "For a person who doesn't want to dance, you dance pretty well." Ashley said. I took another swig from the liquor. Everything got blurry, but I continued dancing. I look up to see Josh. Josh, my true love. I grabbed the boy I loved and kissed him.

The Only Exception: An Andy Biersack + Hayley Williams fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now