Chapter 13

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Andy's P.O.V.
Hayley got closer to the edge, still gazing into my eyes. "Hayley! No!" I shrieked. I tried to hold onto her hand, but she was gone. The tears made it hard to see. "Hayley!! Nooooo!!!" I dived in after her. Wind rushed into my face, making the tears dry away. If I am to die, I would die with my love. The water stung as I sank into its surface. I floated back to the surface. "Hayley!" I dove back under, looking for white. I searched for Hayley. No. She can't be gone. She has to be here! I glimpsed a flash of white, near the bottom of the lake. I swam to Hayley, and picked her frail body into my arms, and swam back to the surface. I climbed onto the bank of the lake, and set Hayley softly on the grass. Her body, it felt so lifeless, so cold. "Hayley! Don't die on me! Please!" I gave her CPR. "Dang Flabbit! Hayley, Breathe!!!" I tried mouth-to-mouth. "Hayley, please." I rested my head on her chest. "Please." I laced my fingers through hers for one last time. A tear escaped. I heard coughing. Hayley sat us and began to cough up water. "Hayley! You're alive!" She got to her feet. "Why did you save me?" "I would die for you Hayley." I stood up and looked at my surroundings. I saw an iron ladder leading back to the top of the cliff. "Ya know, there's a ladder there." I pointed to Hayley. I carried her on my back and began to climb. Soon enough, we were at the top.
Hayley's P.O.V.
The world was spinning, I couldn't see anything. I could only see one person. Andy. I blinked. I was alive. Andy was sitting next to me, sopping wet, crying. I started to cough up water. "Hayley! You're alive!" Andy exclaimed. I got up, prepared to run. But I couldn't. I couldn't leave this man, the man who risked his life to save me. "Why did you save me?" I whispered. He had caused me so much pain, but claimed he loved me. "I would die for you Hayley." My heart softened. Andy, it had always been Andy. He's the one who took me in, the one who tried to make it up to me. The one who gave me a reason to live. "Ya know, there's a ladder there." Andy pointed to a rusted iron ladder. Wow. I climbed onto my knight's back, and he carried me back to the top.
Andy's P.O.V.
Hayley got off my back and looked into my eyes. Her eyes, the pain was gone. "Andy, thank you for everything." "Hayley, I'm sorry for everything." I embraced her, and she let me. "Please don't do this again. I love you, even if you don't accept it." She let go of me, grabbed my face and kissed me. "I forgive you." Hayley grinned. We left the forest, hand in hand.
Hayley's P.O.V.
I got off Andy's back. I looked into Andy's eyes, so blue, just like the lake I almost drowned in. "Andy, thank you for everything." "Hayley, I'm sorry for everything." Andy hugged me, and I just sunk into him. "Please don't do this again. I love you, even if you don't accept it." I won't do this again, Andy. As long, as you're with me. I took Andy's face in my hands and kissed him. "I forgive you." I smiled, and held his hand as we walked out of the forest.

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