Accidents Happen.

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 Sirens. All he heard were sirens. He opened his eyes slightly and saw a man. His vision blurred, then went black. Shouting. Mumbles. A faint siren then nothing. Silence was given to him, until he opened his eyes once more. He felt like he was laying down yet he looked down and noticed his feet placed on the white floor. His vision began to clear and that's when he noticed he was in a hospital room. He noticed a nurse hovering over the hospital bed, he could tell she was mumbling something but he couldn't make out any of the words that left her mouth.

He could barely hear anything, her quiet footsteps and the soft beeping from the machine, that stood by the bed were the only things his ears could make out. He took a step towards the bed and nurse, then froze when she turned around. He felt that she was staring right at him. He felt that she knew he was there, but the feeling subsided when she began to walk towards him. Step. Step. Step. She was going to walk into him, maybe then she would notice him. He waited for the impact and a quick sorry, but nothing. She had walked through him.   

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