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He looked around the room, and noticed cards and balloons, placed around the room. A stuffed animal, with blue and white wings sprouting from its back, was tucked under his arm. His mother spoke so quietly to him, so lovingly. She held his hand and sang to him. Chani felt his heart shatter and tears began to well in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and felt that someone was watching him, that someone could see him. He turned to gaze upon the door, the only reasonable place he could think someone would be, and saw a pair of brown eyes and light brown hair. They peeked out from the side of the wall where the door closed, at first he thought it was a child whose curiosity got the better of them. Yet, he felt that, she was staring right at him. Chani shrugged it off and turned back to his mother, who continued to sing softly. He felt the tears begin to run down his face, he wiped them away with the back of his sleeve. "I feel the same way... You know, when I see my mother." A small voice said. The voice was a lot younger than Reign's, but just as Reign's did, it frightened him. He turned back to the wide eyed girl and quickly wiped his tears away, he sniffled and she walked into the room. "I.. How do... Are you another one of Aphrodite's?" Chani's words fell quickly from his lips, his face was flushed. She shook her head and looked around the room, slowly making her way around. "I'm Willow..." she said softly as she looked at the flowers that were now beginning to wilt once more. She then walked up to Chani, "You probably have a lot of questions... Answers always appear when you least expect them to." 

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