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Chani let out a breath, he instantly felt embarrassed. It was just another kid, nothing to worry about. Right? The kid looked Chani's age, he had black hair and these green eyes that made Chani shiver. They looked sad, but his character gave off such an angry aura. Chani already disliked him, he didn't like how the boy walked in like he owned everything, how he seemed to dislike everything he laid eyes on. He played with a deck of cards in his hand, repeatedly shuffling them and cutting the deck. "I'm Ryan. You must be Chani." he grumbled, "Have you met the rat, yet? She likes to scurry around and help stuck souls. Souls that are suppose to be mine." Many things went through Chani's head about these words. The rat? She? Willow.

Chani glanced around the room and caught sight of Willow, who shook her head and brought her finger to her lips again. "Hey!" Ryan barked, Chani turned to him. "No, I haven't." Ryan groaned, "On the other hand, I'm here to make a deal." Ryan snapped his fingers and the room melted away, Chani was now standing in what seemed to be nothing but empty space. The only thing that stood out was a red chair that was before him and in it was Ryan, shuffling the cards he had brought with him. "Theres many ways we can do this." Ryan uttered and looked into Chani's eyes. "I could take your soul from you." Ryan snapped, "Just like that, but my boss likes when we make deals." Ryan pulled a card from the middle of the deck and showed it to Chani.

Chani's face was on the card along with a description on below it. Before he could read what it said, it went up in flames. Chani jumped, not expecting the little trick. Ryan smirked, Chani noticed a flicker in his eyes, as if the fire was inside of him. "What if I don't want to make a deal?" Chani questioned, Ryan deadpanned. He had never been asked that before. Most went for money, others wanted to see their loved ones again. Everybody wanted something. He couldn't let Chani notice his confusion so he played it off, "Then you don't get a deal and I rip the soul from you." Chani glanced around the dark room, scanning his eyes over the emptiness, "I've already made a deal, with someone else." Ryan scowled, "What?"

The chair and the empty space vanished, Chani was back in his hospital room with an angrier Ryan, "What do you mean you already made a deal? Who got here before me?" Chani glanced to Willow's hiding place, she wasn't there, "Aphrodite.." Ryan groaned, "What was the deal?" Chani looked at him, "It was a better deal than what you were gonna give me lets leave it at that." Ryan threw his cards, "She promised your life back didn't she." He snapped and they all vanished, he stomped out of the room, "I'm getting your soul. Whether you want me to or not."  

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