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Ryan was gone and Willow was sitting on the floor, when she saw Chani she smiled, "You look happy, I'm guessing everything went well?" He ran his fingers through his hair, "She said she doesn't love Ryan. That she thinks her heart belongs to someone else." Chani smiled widely and Willow laughed. "I'm proud of you, you know that?" Willow said as she got up, "Let's fix you up, because I have a feeling you'll be leaving soon."

Mina made her way through the crowd, meeting up with Ryan where they usually do before she goes off to say the announcements. Ryan looked at her with such sincerity, with so much love. She was the only thing that had brought him joy for a very long time, Mina didn't see that. She saw a stranger that caught her off guard, she saw a mistake. "Mina I've been wanting to tell you for a while that.." Mina cut him off, "I'm sorry Ryan. I don't... I don't feel anything. Truthfully I don't think I ever did. I think it's best if.. If we don't see each other anymore..." With that Mina walked away, she wanted to leave before she acted on guilt and made another mistake. She left a shocked and heartbroken behind.

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